*For further and up-to-date details, refer to the programme guide of the relevant year.
For Lot 2 applications there are cases when a sector is not limited to one of 14 industrial ecosystems. Can we cover several ecosystems in one Lot 2 application?
In a Lot 2 application, you can address only one industrial ecosystem. In cases where a sector area falls under several industrial ecosystems you must decide on which one to focus. For example, civil aviation covers two areas: passenger transport and freight transport. A proposal should address only one of the two areas. If the proposal is focussed on passenger transport it would address the ecosystem ‘tourism’. If the proposal is focussed on freight transport it would address the ecosystem ‘mobility’.
Where can we download the budget table and Part B Technical description on the Funding and Opportunities Portal?
You have to download the templates directly in the submission system after creating the draft proposal in the area called Download Part B templates that is located on the left side of the screen. For more details we invite you to read the online manual on how to submit a proposal.
How many proposals will you select for funding under LOT 1 and LOT 2?
The number of proposals that will be funded depends on the available budget and the amount of the EU grant requested by each project proposed for funding. For the Call Alliances for Innovation (Lot 1 & Lot 2), the total available budget is EUR 62 million. Under Lot 1: for a 2-year project the maximum grant is EUR 1 million and for a 3-year project the maximum grant is EUR 1,5 million. Under LOT 2: for a 4-year project the maximum grant is EUR 4 million.
How should the staff costs for person be calculated?
The estimation of staff costs should correspond to the costs according to the staff cost policy applicable in your organisation. Please indicate the staff costs in gross amounts.
Please encode your costs using the Detailed budget table. In each ‘BEx’ sheet (BE= beneficiary), for section “A. DIRECT PERSONNEL COSTS”, you have to encode the following unit: 1 unit is 1 person-month. Staff categories (Type 1-4) can be defined according to the categories most relevant for the partner organisations.
As explained in the instruction 11 of the Detailed budget table, you have to estimate the eligible costs of your proposal using the same methodology as if these costs should be declared under an actual cost-based grant agreement. For additional information, please refer to article 6.2 of the Annotated Model Grant Agreement, specifying Specific eligibility conditions for each budget category, point on Personnel Costs.
Is it necessary to submit the application in English?
It is not obligatory to submit the application in English, however the abstract in the Part B of the application form must be in English. Please make sure that application is written in the language of the partnership understood by all participating organisations.
Where we can find some information about specific areas of the 14 industrial ecosystems for Lot 2?
You can find details about specific industrial ecosystems in the Annual Single Market Review 2021, as mentioned in the E+ Programme Guide, under "eligibility criteria" of Lot 2: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-PI-ALL-INNO-BLUEPRINT.
Are the applicants required to be members of the Pact for Skills?
Yes, according to the 2024 Programme Guide, for the ERASMUS-EDU-2024-PI-ALL-INNO-BLUEPRINT, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities, if applicable) must be:
- Registered members of the Pact for Skills.
Can profit from deliverables be generated after the end of the project?
The results of the projects should be made freely available (see description of the award criterion Impact under "sustainability and continuation-open access" in the Part B of the Programme Guide under Alliances for Innovation action):
"If relevant, the proposal describes how the materials, documents and media produced will be made freely available and promoted through open licences and does not contain disproportionate limitations"
This also applies when the project is completed.
Should mandates/ declarations of honour be signed by the partners of the consortium when submitting the application?
No, mandate letters will not be requested. The Declaration of Honour and Accession forms will need to be signed by the selected participants at the moment of Grant Agreement signature.
Do we need to send an audit report at the end of the project?
This action follows a lump sum model, therefore, an audit certificate will not be requested with the final report. Applicants do not need to calculate this cost in the budget.
What are compulsory annexes to the eForm?
In the Funding and Opportunities Portal submission system you have to submit an application form that includes the following parts:
Where can I find the list of Higher Education institutions holding Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE)?
The list of higher education institutions holding Erasmus Charter for Higher Education is available here.
What is the maximum number of pages for Application Form - Part B (technical description of the project)?
The Part B (technical description of the project) of the Application Form is limited to maximum 120 pages for both: Lot 1 & Lot 2.
Will the grant only be paid at the end when the work packages are completed?
No, a prefinancing payment of 40% will be made at the start of the project, a second prefinancing of 40% at mid-stage, upon acceptance of a technical report on the progress of the project, and the final balance will be paid at the end, upon delivery of outputs of all work packages and acceptance of the final report.
Do all partners need to co-finance 20% of the total budget with the same share?
Technically, each partner must provide a minimum of 20% of own financing. The grant requested has to be entered in the budget table (tab “proposed budget”) and cannot exceed 80% of the total costs per partner. If it does, an error message will appear. However, since this budget will be used to determine the lump sum, there may be different payment arrangements afterwards between partners. These arrangements, which will define more precisely the payment arrangement for the grant, should be part of a consortium agreement signed by each partner.
How is the 20% co-financing calculated?
Respect of the no-profit and co-financing principles is generally assumed in the context of lump sums, and therefore, applicants do not have to provide information about sources of funding other than the EU grant, nor do they have to justify the costs incurred by the project.
The grant requested has to be entered in the budget table (tab “proposed budget”) and cannot exceed 80% of the total costs per partner. If it does, an error message will appear .The total estimated costs of the project represent 100%. The EU grant covers a maximum of 80% of these costs. The remaining 20% will have to be financed by the project consortium with own-resources, financial contribution from third parties, or income generated by the project.
If the total costs of the project are estimated at EUR 5 million, the maximum EU grant is EUR 4 million and the remaining EUR 1 million will have to be covered by the consortium.
Where can I find further guidance to fill in the budget table?
You should start by carefully reading the “Instructions” in the first sheet of the detailed budget table.
Is there a database of VET institutions in all EU countries?
You can search for an organisation active in VET in the EPALE database. You can also add your organisation to the EPALE Partner Search.
In addition, you can use partner search functions directly integrated in the menu of Alliances of Innovation Topic pages (ERASMUS-EDU-2024-PI-ALL-INNO-EDU-ENTERP and ERASMUS-EDU-2024-PI-ALL-INNO-BLUEPRINT) as described in the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal guidance pages. More information on all partner search possibilities in the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal is available here.
In Part B, should we insert all previous funded projects under ‘List of previous projects’? Do we need to include the EU funding granted to our organisation or the overall budget of the project?
In the table List of previous projects at the end of the Application Form – Part B you have to include only EU funded projects that are related to your proposal.
Please insert the total EU grant amount that was allocated for each project.
How important are green and digital skills? Will we have more chance of receiving funding if these skills are covered well in the proposal?
The extent to which the Digital and Green skills are incorporated in the proposal represents two of the award sub-criteria under the award criterion Relevance. Therefore, the inclusion of these skills in the proposal has a direct influence on the quality of the proposal.
Some sections of Application Form – Part B request to address all guiding points presented in the Programme Guide. Should the guiding points be covered in one box or could be divided between relevant questions?
Where requested in the Application Form – Part B, you have to address all guiding points presented in the Call document/Programme Guide under each award criterion. It is up to you how you will organise the answers, in one box or spread through several answers in Part B. Please make sure that all guiding points for each award criterion have a clear and comprehensive answer/explanation and that are clearly presented. Please find below the link to Info Session where you can find some guidelines on how to fill in Part B addressing all the relevant sub-criteria of the Programme Guide: https://www.eacea.ec.europa.eu/news-events/events/online-info-session-alliances-innovation-2023-2023-03-09_en
Does each partner need to have a validated PIC number?
To be included in a proposal as an applicant, a full partner, an affiliated entity or an associated partner you must have a PIC number. The PIC number does not have to be validated for submission of your proposal. In case your proposal will be selected, the PIC number of each organisation involved in your application, except for associated partners, must be validated before signing the Grant Agreement.
What is the definition of VET provider?
VET providers are determined by national law. Normally, the scope of VET goes beyond the upper-secondary level and covers the post-secondary, non-tertiary level but also the tertiary level (e.g. Universities of applied sciences, Polytechnic institutes, etc.). Also companies where the country has a dual system and the company provides part of the course curriculum could be considered as a VET provider. An entity that specializes on continuing vocational training (often also called “professional training”) is also a VET provider.
Are learning mobility activities eligible under the Alliances for Innovation?
Yes, to try and test new curricula or new training and learning methods, Alliances for Innovation may organise learning mobility activities of students, teachers, researchers and staff in so far as they support/complement the main activities of the partnerships and bring added value in the implementation of the project's objectives.
Do we need to cover all activities listed in the Erasmus + Programme Guide under Lot 1?
The list of activities presented in the Erasmus + Programme Guide under “Setting up a Project” for Lot 1 is not intended to be exhaustive. A relevant proposal should contain at least one of the listed activities but there may be other relevant activities that are not described in the Programme Guide. Irrespective of the number of activities presented, the proposal should aim to ensure quality, scope and coherence of the overall project and the relevance of the activities in relation to the objectives of the call.
What information should be included in Annex 2 – Estimated budget for the action of the grant agreement?
The Annex 2 – Estimated budget for the action will contain a list of work package per partner with the allocated lump sums. The MGA - Model Grant Agreement, including Annex 2, is available on the call page of the Funding and Tenders Opportunities Portal under ‘Topics, conditions and documents’.
What kind of financial reporting will be required?
The financial part of the periodic report will include a financial statement on the use of the previous pre-financing payment.
For the final report, the financial statement will detail the lump sum contributions indicated in Annex 2 of the grant agreement, for the work packages completed during the period.
Can an organisation participate in both Lots?
Yes, an organisation can participate in Lot 1 and Lot 2 but with two different proposals. However, through the selection criteria, the Agency will assess the applicant's operational capacity to complete the proposed project(s), which includes human, technical and other resources.
Will associated partners and affiliated entities be counted for the required number of Education & Training providers or Labour market actors?
No, only full partners will be considered for the required number of Education & Training providers or Labour market actors.
How do I insert the estimated costs for learning mobilities?
Applicants must fill the estimated costs for travelling and subsistence both in the Application Form – Part Band the Detailed Budget Table.
The detailed budget table needs to reflect the activities that will be implemented by the consortium to reply to the call. These activities should be grouped under one of the project work packages and the costs per work package should be detailed in the budget table.
Are UK organisations eligible to participate in the proposals of Alliances for Innovation?
UK is a third country not associated to the Programme.
Therefore, for both LOTS organisations from UK can participate as full partner, affiliated entity or as associated partner. However, an organisation from the UK cannot be an applicant as only organisations established in EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme can assume this role.
How is the funding for the project calculated?
The funding will be awarded with a lump sum. The lump sum is determined based on the estimated budget proposed by the applicant. A detailed budget table must be filled-in at application stage with an estimation of the real costs the project is expected to incur. Applicants must also provide a budget breakdown of for each work package. Costs described can cover staff costs, travel and subsistence costs, equipment costs, subcontracting costs and other costs. The lump sum will be limited to a maximum of 80% of the estimated eligible budget after the evaluation. The funding rules for Alliances for Innovation are explained in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, Key Action 2: Alliances for Innovation, “What are the funding rules?”.
Are there pre-defined or maximum rates for the costs categories?
There are no pre-defined or maximum rates per cost category. The budget must include a detailed estimation of actual costs for the complete project duration and should be balanced accross the different costs categories. Although there are no "written rules" about the distribution of budget, common sense should be applied.
*For further and up-to-date details, refer to the programme guide of the relevant year.
How can I make sure that my organisation is a legal entity according to the requirements of the European Commission?
Check the requirements in the rules for the validation of legal entity. You first need to request a PIC (Participant Identification Code) with 9 digits. You will be contacted at a later stage for the validation of your PIC registration data. Make sure in advance that your organisation has all the documents and information required for the PIC validation.
What kind of financial reporting will be required?
The financial part of the periodic report will include a statement on the use of the previous prefinancing payment.
For the final report, the financial statement will mention the lump sum contributions indicated in Annex 2 of the grant agreement, for the work packages completed during the period.
In exceptional circumstances, the beneficiaries may declare partial lump sum contributions for work packages that were not completed (e.g. due to force majeure or technical impossibility).
How is the funding for the project calculated?
How should the 20% co-financing part of the budget be assured?
Will the grant only be paid at the end when the work packages are completed?
Do sections where it is mentioned “n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants” need to be completed for an application for Centres of Vocational Excellence ?
Yes. CoVEs are not based on ‘prefixed’ lump sums but on lump sums based on the approved budget (type II). Therefore, they need to be filled in.
Is it possible to be a partner in two or more CoVEs applications?
Do we need to send CVs for an application for Centres of Vocational Excellence?
Can universities be included in the partnership?
Are natural persons and SME owners eligible to participate and how can we calculate their costs?
Can organisations from third countries not associated to the Programme (e.g., China, UK or Canada) participate as full partners and receive funding?
Do we have to complete the sections “Ethics” (5.1) and “Security” (5.2)?
How should the 20% co-financing part of the budget be assured?
What kind of financial reporting will be required?
Do we need to send an audit report at the end of the project?
How should the staff costs for person/month be calculated?
How can we declare costs for volunteers?
How should the costs of travel and subsistence be calculated?
Does each partner need to have a validated Participant Identification Code (PIC)?
Is it possible to be a partner in two or more CoVEs applications?
Do we need to send CVs?
Do mandate letters signed by partners need to be attached to the application form
Will the grant only be paid at the end when the work packages are completed?
Can universities be included in the partnership?
How is the funding?
Do sections where it is mentioned “n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants” need to be completed?
*For further and up-to-date details, refer to the programme guide of the relevant year.
What is a continuous professional development provider?
Providers of continuous professional development offer learning opportunities to in-service teachers. Depending on the activities of the organisation and tasks allocated in the proposed project, there may be different organisations taking up this role.
Please refer to the non-exhaustive list of types of organisations which can take part in the project, in the text of the call for proposals, under the section ‘Eligible participating organisations’.
Can we involve more than 6 applicants in the consortium? In the section of Eligibility criteria for the Consortium composition, it is written ‘6 applicants’. Is this the minimum or is it a fixed number?
In the Consortium composition section, the expression ‘6 applicants’ shall be read as ‘a minimum of 6 applicants’. Additional requirements indicated in the same section have to be taken into account as well.
Under the horizontal Erasmus+ priority ‘Environment and fight against climate change’, what is the link to the official text of the Council Recommendation on learning for the green transition and sustainable development, as adopted by the Council?
The link to the official text of the Council Recommendation on learning for the green transition and sustainable development is the following: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32022H0627%2801%29
Can organisations at 0 ISCED level, such as nurseries and pre-primary schools, participate in a project?
You can find examples (non-exhaustive list) of eligible participating organisations, in the text of the call under the section ‘Eligible participating organisations’, such as ‘Teacher Education Institutions (colleges, institutes, universities providing initial teacher education and/or continuing professional development) for teachers and Early childhood education and care (ECEC) staff at ISCED levels 0-3, including VET teachers’.
The call specifies that ‘For the purpose of this call, the term "teacher" is to be understood in an enlarged way, including trainers and early childhood education and care (ECEC) staff’.
When choosing one or more Erasmus+ priorities as theme(s) for the activities of a project, do we need to cover all the sub-themes listed in the text of the call, or we could choose some sub-themes? Could we do a mix of themes and sub-themes?
By choosing a theme, you can address one or more of the subthemes, you do not need to address all the subthemes. You can also mix the themes and subthemes, provided that a link with at least one main priority is clear and consistent.
In a project, can one organisation be at the same time provider of initial teacher education and provider of continuing professional development?
In line with the section ‘Consortium composition’, for each organisation, you shall indicate one role, depending on the activities carried out in the project.
Can organisations based in third countries not associated to the Erasmus+ Programme participate as associated partners in a project?
Applicants established in third countries not associated to the Erasmus+ Programme cannot participate in a project in any role.
What is the page limitation for the Application Form Part B (Technical Description)?
For the Erasmus+ Teacher Academies call for proposals, the page limitation for the Application Form Part B is 70 pages.
According to Part C of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, the page limitations for the Application Form Part B are the following: ‘Applications (Part B) are limited to 40 pages for calls for low value grants (EUR 60 000 or below); 120 pages for calls with high value grants (EUR 4 000 000) and 70 for all other calls’.
Can a project involve as target group professors of the higher education institutions?
The target group for the Erasmus+ Teacher Academies are teachers, including trainers and early childhood education and care (ECEC) staff. Professors of the higher education institutions are not targeted. However, professors of the higher education institutions may be involved for example, in teaching pedagogy methods to student teachers.
Under the call Teacher Academies, criterion - quality of the partnership and the cooperation arrangements. How to justify the geographical composition in a given partnership?
It is up to the applicant to explain how the geographical composition in a given partnership will ensure that the objectives of the Erasmus+ Teacher Academies are achieved.
The justification should refer to the questions mentioned in the programme guide. For the geographical dimension for instance, the applicant should explain:
Under the call Teacher Academies, are kindergarten teaching programmes eligible under Teacher Academies?
Kindergarten teaching programmes/kindergartens are not eligible. Only schools and teacher education involved in/with relevance to the ISCED level 1-3 are eligible as partners.
Under the call Teacher Academies, is it possible not to allocate the project budget to mobility activities and apply separately for Erasmus+ mobility programmes for the students and in-service teaching staff?
In order to avoid double funding and to ensure that all the planned costs are covered, all costs related to the project should be included in the Erasmus+ Teacher Academies budget.
Under the call Teacher Academies, what is the criterion for being a nationally recognised organisation?
Organisations must be “recognised by competent authorities in their countries” i.e. the authorities that authorise institutions to provide teacher education and define the legally recognised qualifications. This will be checked on a case by case basis according to the context of the participating country.
Under the call Teacher Academies, how should we involve the training institutions in the project? If some of these institutions are only involved in certain work packages, are they considered full partners?
Training institutions can be involved as either full partners or associated partners.
For a definition of associated partners, please see the Programme Guide.
Under the call Teacher Academies, when choosing EU priorities should we choose only the ones targeted by our project?
Yes, only the priorities targeted by your project should be chosen.
Under the call Teacher Academies, is there a maximum number of training institutions that may be involved in a project?
There is no maximum number of partners. Please refer to the Programme Guide “Eligibility Criteria” for the required number and profile of participating organisations.
Under the call Teacher Academies, what language versions of the call and application forms are available to applicants?
The call documentation and the application forms are available only in English. Please note that even although the forms are in English, the application may be written in any of the official EU languages.
Under the call Teacher Academies, can the deadline for the submission of applications be extended?
The deadline for the submission of applications is an admissibility/eligibility criterion. All applications must be sent by the official deadline or they will not be considered for selection.
Under the call Teacher Academies, operational capacity - what type of CVs would you like to receive from professionals and should we include CVs for administrative personnel?
The submission of CVs is not mandatory for any project staff. However, you must complete carefully chapter 2.1.3 Project teams, staff and experts as well as chapter 2.2 Partnership and cooperation arrangements of the application form:
Describe the project teams and how they will work together to implement the project.
List the staff included in the project budget (budget category A Personnel) by function/profile (e.g. project manager, senior expert/advisor/researcher, junior expert/advisor/researcher, trainers/teachers, technical personnel, administrative personnel etc.) and describe shortly their tasks.
Under the call Teacher Academies, can a project focus only on developing teaching in vet education?
The Programme Guide does not exclude this, so yes, a Teacher Academies project can focus only on developing teaching in VET education, provided it is within ISCED levels from 1-3 (i.e. initial VET).
Under the call Teacher Academies, can a partner have several roles in the project?
The Erasmus+ Teacher Academies addresses institutions that provide both initial and continuing teacher education. These institutions can be seen as providers of initial teacher training, when providing the general pedagogical qualifications, but also as providers of continuing professional development, when the unit of this field would be actively participating in the project.
However, each participating organisation can have only one role in the partnership i.e. can represent only one type of institution (initial, continuing or training school).
Together, the institutions should fulfil the minimum requirements for the partnership as outlined in the Programme Guide under “Eligibility criteria”.
Under the call Teacher Academies, can you provide a clear definition of a "practice/training school"?
In the context of Erasmus+ Teacher Academies “training/practice schools” refer to schools where teacher students and serving teachers can do practical training e.g. on pedagogical methods, as part of the initial teacher education or when taking part in continuous professional development offers.
These schools should have the necessary competence to implement the work programme of the project.
Under the call Teacher Academies, apart from the European priorities mentioned in the call, is entrepreneurship considered a priority?
The priorities mentioned in the call derive from current EU policy priorities and are specifically relevant in the support we give to teachers and schools within the European Education Area in the years to come and therefore also for this call. It is up to the applicant to propose how other specific priorities will support the collaboration on these key European priorities.
Under the call Teacher Academies, when will the budget sheet become available?
There are two budget tables for the budget based Erasmus+ Teacher Academies:
Both of these budget tables appear in the application form, which you can access once you start preparing a submission.
Please also have a look at the Standard application form (ERASMUS BB and LSII) available under the “Topic conditions and documents” section of the Erasmus+ Teacher Academies page of the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal.
Under the call Teacher Academies, how should we calculate the amounts for work hours, incidental expenses as well as the travel amounts?
It is up to the applicant to calculate these expenses, in accordance with national rules and regulations.
Under the call Teacher Academies, operational capacity - should the list of previous projects be presented by the partner or by the project start year?
We advise you to provide the list by project (rather than by partner). You should include all the necessary information such as the title of the project, reference number, start and end date, EC Programme or initiative concerned, name of the coordinating organisation, and website.
In addition, please summarise the project’s outputs and describe how the new proposal seeks to build on them and how ownership/copyright issues are to be dealt with. NB: there is a recommended limit of 500 characters.
*For further and up-to-date details, refer to the programme guide of the relevant year.
What is expected from a Jean Monnet Network in Higher Education?
The final aim of the thematic networks is to provide regular feedback (e.g. an online newsletter) on the most advanced and innovative practices in the field, supporting and adding value to the debate.
Where to apply?
To the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
What qualifies as a Jean Monnet Network in Higher Education?
Two types of large thematic networks can qualify:
Requires a minimum of 12 higher education institutions from 7 different EU Member States and non-EU countries associated with the Programme
Jean Monnet Network on internal policy: EU enlargement as a catalyst for progress
Requires a minimum of 12 higher education institutions with at least 6 participants from non-EU countries not associated with the Programme and funded by EU external action instruments. The network on foreign policy issues should include the participation of relevant organisations in countries
Jean Monnet Network on external policy: EU-NORTH-AMERICA
What is the duration of the projects?
Projects should normally last 36 months (extensions are possible, if duly justified and through an amendment of the grant agreement).
Which are the eligible participating organisations (Who can apply?) for Jean Monnet Network on internal policy: EU enlargement as a catalyst for progess project proposals?
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities, if applicable) must:
Nota Bene: The designated European institutions (identified in the Regulation establishing the Erasmus+ Programme) pursuing an aim of European interest are not eligible to apply under this Action.
How should the consortium composition be (Number and profile of participating organisation) for Jean Monnet Network on internal policy: EU enlargement as a catalyst for progess project proposals?
Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least 12 applicants which complies with the following condition:
Only beneficiaries (not affiliated entities) count for the consortium composition.
Which are the eligible participating organisations (Who can apply?) for project proposals for Jean Monnet Network on external policy: EU-North America?
In order to be eligible, the applicants (coordinators and partners), beneficiaries and affiliated entities, if applicable) must:
HEI established in an EU Member States and third country associated to the Erasmus+ Programme must be holders of the ECHE certificate (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education).
Organisations from Belarus (Region 2) and the Russian Federation (Region 4) are not eligible to participate in this action.
Nota Bene: The designated European institutions (identified in the Regulation establishing the Erasmus+ Programme) pursuing an aim of European interest are not eligible to apply under this Action.
How should the consortium composition be (Number and profile of participating organisation) for Jean Monnet Network on external policy:EU-North America?
Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least 12 applicants (beneficiaries, not affiliated entities) which complies with the following conditions:
What is the expected impact of the the networks in Higher Education?
The Networks in Higher Education will support the academic and public “debate on European integration matters” in line with Article 8 of the Erasmus+ regulation through collecting, sharing and discussing among the partners research findings, content of courses and experiences, products (studies, articles, etc.). By regularly providing the Commission with the innovative and interesting results of the networks’ cooperation, the networks shall contribute to the Commission’s policymaking by offering evidence and new insights on policy developments of the calls’ thematic priorities.
What are the geographical targets?
The Network on internal policy should focus its activities on Member States and third countries associated to the Erasmus+ Programme. The Networks on external policy "EU-North America" support the academic cooperation on the priorities of the Jean Monnet actions between European and North American Higher Education institutions and is therefore limited to Member States, third countries associated to the Erasmus+ Programme and North America countries (region 12).
What are the funding rules?
This action follows a lump sum funding model. The amount of the single lump sum contribution will be determined for each grant based on the estimated budget of the action proposed by the applicant. The granting authority will fix the lump sum of each grant based on the proposal, evaluation result, funding rates and the maximum grant amount set in the call.
Maximum EU contribution per network on internal EU issues is EUR 1 000 000
Maximum EU contribution per network on external policy issues is EUR 1 200 000
How is the project lump sum determined?
Applicants must fill in a detailed budget table according to the application form, taking into account the following points:
Proposals will be evaluated according to the standard evaluation procedures with the help of internal and/or external experts. The experts will assess the quality of the proposals, against the requirements defined in the call and the expected impact, quality and efficiency of the action.
Following the proposal evaluation, the authorising officer will establish the amount of the lump sum, taking into account the findings of the assessment carried out. The co-financing rate of 80% will be applied to the total estimated eligible costs determined after evaluation.
The grant parameters (maximum grant amount, funding rate, total eligible costs, etc) will be fixed in the Grant Agreement.
Financial support to third parties in the form of grants or prizes is allowed.
Project applications must clearly specify why financial support to third parties is needed, how it will be managed and provide a list of the different types of activities for which a third party may receive financial support. The proposal must also clearly describe the results to be obtained.
Maximum amount of financial support that can be paid to a third party shall not exceed EUR 60 000.
Volunteer costs are allowed. They shall take the form of unit costs as defined in the Commission Decision on unit costs for volunteers.
The project achievements will be evaluated on the outcomes completed. The funding scheme would allow putting focus on the outputs rather than the inputs, thereby placing emphasis on the quality and level of achievement of measurable objectives.
Can a directorate of education which is a public body take part in a Jean Monnet Action and in which one?
With regard to Networks, only Schools and VET Institutes may apply.
For the teacher training action, one Higher Education Institution or one Teacher Training Institute/Agency providing initial and/or in-service training to teachers of schools and/or VET institutes may apply.
In the proposal, applicant institutions will have to declare that they are Teacher training institutes/ agencies. During the evaluation or the grant agreement preparation, further evidence may be requested as to the legal status of applicant institutions (i.e. the legal statute should clearly indicate teacher education/teacher training as a main activity and/or the entity is a provider of training to teachers).
What is the difference between lump sum and actual costs - is the difference related to the reporting and audit phase?
A lump sum is agreed ex-ante, as a result of the evaluation process and it is integrated in the Grant Agreement. The lump sum type 2 or customised lump sum is divided in Work Packages, for each Work Package, the amount is closed at the signature of the Grant agreement. This implies that the project will only focus on the content and not on the financial reporting. If the work is implemented as described, then the lump sum is paid as described and there is no need of calculation of the actual costs. For better understanding of the new financial mechanisms, please consult this Youtube video.
*For further and up-to-date details, refer to the programme guide of the relevant year.
What is the scope of Jean Monnet actions in other fields of education and training?
Higher Education Institutions or Teacher Training Institutes/Agencies will organise activities under this action enabling teachers in schools and Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers to develop new skills, to teach and engage on EU matters, thus empowering them through a better understanding of the EU and its functioning.
Teacher training bodies (both for initial teacher education and for continuous professional development for teachers) will strengthen their internal knowledge and skills on teaching about EU matters, and this will, leave teachers better equipped when introducing EU content in their activities.
Teacher Training activities will support educational staff in schools and VET providers (ISCED 1 – 4).
Jean Monnet Teacher Training aims to support schools and VET providers in planning, organising and delivering EU content in their curricular and extra-curricular activities. The main objectives are to:
foster the confidence of teachers in integrating an EU angle in their daily work.
Is the Jean Monnet action on teacher training open to universities?
Yes if the university has a faculty/department dedicated to teacher training activities.
Do we need a permit from the Ministry for Education to participate in the programme?
No permit is needed from the Ministry of Education to participate in the programme, just make sure when you apply, that your institution/country abides to the eligibility rules set out in the Call for proposals for the action you wish to apply for.
Question about eligibility: Teacher training agencies are defined in different ways in different countries. How do you legitimise that we are a teacher training agency?
In the proposal, applicant institutions will have to declare that they are teacher training institutes/agencies.
During the evaluation or the grant agreement preparation, further evidence may be requested as to the legal status of applicant institutions (i.e. the legal statute should clearly indicate teacher education / teacher training as a main activity and/or the entity is a provider of training to teachers).
Can an education and technology association be considered a training provider?
Yes, if the association provides proof that it is dedicated to teacher training activities targeting ISCED 1-4, in which case applications would be welcome. In the proposal, applicant institutions will have to declare that they are teacher training institutes/ agencies. During the evaluation or the grant agreement preparation, further evidence may be requested as to the legal status of applicant institutions (i.e. the legal statute should clearly indicate teacher education / teacher training as a main activity and/or the entity is a provider of training to teachers).
For teacher training, how many institutions and/or countries can apply?
According to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, the Jean Monnet teacher training action, one Higher Education Institution or one Teacher Training Institute/Agency providing initial and/or in-service training to teachers of schools and/or VET institutes (ISCED 1-4) may apply for funding.
Can a higher education institute that offers modules on didactic and pedagogical competence for undergraduate students apply for a Jean Monnet action?
HEIs can apply to any of the Jean Monnet actions offered under the 2024 Call - except for the Schools Network action. HEIs from any country in the world can apply for Modules, Chairs and Centres of Excellence, whilst the Teacher Training action is reserved to Programme Countries only.
Is the JM action open to universities training in service training and those working on initial teacher training?
Yes. Teacher training activities cover initial and/or in service teacher training.
Can JM teacher training courses be delivered only in one country? If the applicant decides to deliver the course to teachers only in one country could it be penalised during the evaluation phase?
JM teacher trainings courses may be delivered in more than one country but it is not compulsory. See more details on award criteria for the teacher training action.
For applying as a teacher training institute is it necessary to have an OID?
All potential beneficiaries wanting to apply for a Jean Monnet action must begin by creating an OID (organisation ID). For applications relating to the 2024 call for Jean Monnet actions, you will find all relevant documents, the Erasmus+ Programme Guide and the application forms on the Funding and Tender Opportunity Portal.
Can a member of the team developing teacher training be from the UK?
The Jean Monnet teacher training action is open to Programme countries only. This does not prevent an institution from having staff members that come from other countries.
What is the difference between lump sum and actual costs - is the difference related to the reporting and audit phase?
A lump sum is agreed ex ante, as a result of the evaluation process and it is integrated in the Grant Agreement. The lump sum type 2 or customised lump sum is divided in Work Packages, for each Work Package, the amount is closed at the signature of the Grant agreement. This implies that the project will only focus on the content and not on the financial reporting. If the work is implemented as described, then the lump sum is paid as described and there is no need of calculation of the actual costs. For better understanding of the new financial mechanisms, please consult this Youtube video.
As teachers, how can we find these courses? Is there a course catalogue (once the funds have been given)?
The beneficiaries will be published as well as details of their offer (including the facilities for potential interested teachers) and made available on our website. Once the results are available, you can benefit from the results of the teacher training actions, once up and running. Learning resources on the EU are available in all EU official languages on the Learning corner website.
*For further and up-to-date details, refer to the programme guide of the relevant year.
Under the Erasmus + Program, in the Jean Monnet Calls for Modules, Chairs and Learning EU initiative, do applicants need to give budget details in their applications?
The Erasmus + Programme Guide indicates the appropriate lump sums for the Jean Monnet Modules, Chairs and Learning EU Initiative depending on the teaching hours of the respective country.
There is no need to specify budget details in the application form. However, you need to detail the number of teaching hours per year. In your application form on the Funding and Tenders Portal under the Jean Monnet call, you will need to download and complete a calculator with this information.
Under the Programme Erasmus +, in the Jean Monnet call Learning EU Initiative, how are the teaching hours calculated and how many classes should be involved?
The Erasmus + Programme Guide indicates that applicants must ensure a minimum of 40 teaching hours on EU based matters per school year, for a total of at least 120 teaching hours during the whole action.
It is up to the Applicants to decide how many classes shall be involved in the action and how the overall teaching hours will be distributed among groups of students.
Under Erasmus+, in preparing my application for the Jean Monnet calls for Chairs, Modules and Learning EU, can I use the templates of the Application Form Part B and of the Calculator from the previous Jean Monnet calls?
No, please do not use the templates from previous years but only use the templates on the FTOP and those available once you start your application - 'Download part B templates': Application Form (Part B) (ERASMUS LS JMO) and Calculator (ERASMUS LS JMO Chairs, Modules and Learning Initiatives)”.
*For further and up-to-date details, refer to the programme guide of the relevant year.
Under Erasmus+, in preparing my application for the Jean Monnet calls for Chairs, Modules and Learning EU, can I use the templates of the Application Form Part B and of the Calculator from the previous Jean Monnet calls?
No, please do not use the templates from previous years but only use the templates under section 5 above and those available once you start your application - 'Download part B templates': Application Form (Part B) (ERASMUS LS JMO) and Calculator (ERASMUS LS JMO Chairs, Modules and Learning Initiatives)”.
What are the Jean Monnet types?
Jean Monnet Actions in the field of higher education
Jean Monnet Actions in other fields of teaching and training
What is a Jean Monnet Module?
A Jean Monnet Module is a short teaching programme (or course) in the field of European Union studies at a higher education institution. Each Module has a minimum duration of 40 teaching hours per academic year and must focus on one particular discipline in European studies or be multidisciplinary requiring the academic input of several professors and experts.
What are the aims of Modules?
The aim of the modules is to promote research and teaching experience among young researchers, scholars and practitioners in EU issues, foster the publication and dissemination of academic research, create interest in the EU, foster the introduction of an EU angle mainly into non EU related studies and deliver tailor-made courses on specific EU issues relevant for graduates in their professional life.
What is the applicant profile?
Those established in Erasmus+ Programme Countries must hold a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).
What is the duration?
3 years, with a minimum duration of 40 teaching hours per academic year at the applicant higher education institution.
Teaching hours may include direct contact hours in the context of group lectures, seminars, tutorials and may include any of the aforementioned in a distance-learning format but do not include individual instruction.
What is the maximum grant?
€30,000 (maximum 75% of the total costs)
What qualifies as a Jean Monnet Module in Higher Education?
A short teaching programme or course in the field of European Union studies at a higher education institution, focusing on one particular discipline or multidisciplinary in approach, and being one of the following:
summer and intensive courses that are fully recognised.
What is expected of the higher education institution hosting a Jean Monnet Module?
Jean Monnet Modules are required to bring innovative, interesting and specific EU content to their learners; they should also disseminate and exploit the results of the organised teaching and research activities beyond the scope of the stakeholders directly involved.
Coordinators of Jean Monnet Modules are encouraged to:
Where to apply?
To the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
What is Jean Monnet Chair?
Jean Monnet Chair is a university chair awarded by the European Commission (Erasmus+) to support research and debate in the field of European Union integration. Their objective is to reinforce teaching, research and diffusion of European integration both in Member States of the European Union and in other countries.
What is the aim?
Jean Monnet Chairs are designed to:
Jean Monnet Chairs are also encouraged to provide open educational resources and involve open education activities in their work to increase the flexibility and accessibility of learning.
What is the opportunity?
Chairs are teaching posts with a specialisation in European Union studies for university professors for a duration of three years. A Jean Monnet Chair is held by only one professor, who provides the minimum of 90 teaching hours per academic year. The Chair may also have a team to support and enhance the activities of the Chair, including the provision of additional teaching hours.
Participating HEIs are expected to support the Chair holder in their teaching, research, and reflection activities, allowing a wide range of curricula to benefit from the courses.
How does it work?
An organisation intending to apply for a permanent staff member must be a HEI established anywhere in the world. If the HEI is from a Programme Country, it must hold a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).
Those in Partner countries do not require an ECHE. This opportunity is not available for individuals.
A Jean Monnet Chair must last for three years, and must have a minimum duration of 90 teaching hours per academic year in the field of European Union Studies at the applicant Higher Education Institution by the Chairholder.
A Chair must also carry out at least one additional activity per academic year.
The 90 hours include group lectures, seminars, and tutorials, including in a distance format, but not individual instruction.
A Chair-holder must be a permanent member of staff at the applicant institution with the rank of "Professor"; they may not be a visiting Professor at the time of the application.
The maximum grant per Chair is 50,000 Euros (representing maximum 75% of the total cost of the teaching programme or course).
What else should you know?
If a Chair holder needs to be replaced, a written request must be sent to the European Education and Culture Executive Agency, and the proposed replacement must have the same level of specialisation as the outgoing Chair.
What are Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence?
Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence are focal points of competence and knowledge on European Union subjects, funded under the EU's Erasmus+ Programme. We were first awarded this status in 2016, and have renewed it in 2019 and 2023.
What is a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and what does it do?
Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence are proposed and hosted by a higher education institution, may involve the cooperation of several faculties/departments and include also other organisations specialised in EU studies.
Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence are focal points of competence and knowledge on European Union subjects. They should gather the expertise and competences of high-level experts aiming to develop synergies between the various disciplines and resources in European studies as well as at creating joint transnational activities, they also ensure openness to civil society.
Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence have a major role in reaching out to students from faculties not normally dealing with European Union issues as well as to policy makers, the civil society and the general public at large. They also give experts the opportunity to create joint transnational activities.
What types of activities are supported?
Key activities include courses, research, conferences, networking activities, and publications in the field of EU studies.
Who can take part?
Opportunities are available to higher education institutions worldwide. Furthermore, certain actions are open to organizations active in the European Union subject area and associations of professors and researchers specializing in European Union Studies.
Individuals cannot apply for a grant.
Jean Monnet Activities are described in detail in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide and are part of the General Call for proposals.
What is expected of a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence?
Centres should
They may support developing content on EU subjects to update and complement current curricula and keep the debate and the exchange of experiences about the EU alive.
They should become the academic reference for EU subjects and reach out to other levels of education and to the wider public.
This outreach may include
*Daha detaylı ve güncel bilgi için ilgili yılın program rehberine bakınız.
What is the scope of Erasmus Mundus Design Measures?
To reinforce the international dimension of the European Education Area, Erasmus Mundus Design Measures aim to enhance the capacities of higher education institutions in Europe to modernise and internationalise their curricula, by developing new master programmes in partnership with universities worldwide.
Developing international master programmes is crucial for universities in Europe. International collaboration brings diverse academic perspectives and teaching methodologies, enriching the curriculum and broadening students' educational experiences. International master programmes also attract students from around the world, thus increasing the diversity and talent pool, as well as enhancing the universities' reputation and competitiveness on the global stage.
By collaborating with institutions worldwide, universities in Europe can pool resources and knowledge to address pressing global issues such as climate change, digital transformation and sustainable development. In the long run, Erasmus Mundus Design Measures will foster the development of common mechanisms in higher education related to quality assurance, accreditation and recognition of degrees and credits.
The main objective of the Erasmus Mundus Design Measures is therefore to encourage the development of innovative, highly integrated new international study programmes at Master level. These international study programmes are jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions from different countries worldwide and, where relevant, other educational and/or non-educational partners with specific expertise and interest in the concerned study areas/professional domains.
Beneficiaries should provide a level of education corresponding to level 7 of the international standard classification of education ISCED 2011.
What are the eligible participating organisations for Erasmus Mundus Design Measures?
In order to be eligible, applicants must be:
Exception: organisations from Belarus (Region 2) and the Russian Federation (Region 4) are not eligible to participate in this action.
What is the geographic location (Venue of the activities)?
The project must include activities that involve higher education institutions from one or more countries not associated to the Erasmus+ programme. Where relevant, other educational and/or non-educational partners with specific expertise and interest in the concerned study areas/professional domains may also be involved in these activities.
What is the duration of the project?
Projects should normally last 15 months (extensions are possible, if duly justified and through an amendment.
Where to apply?
To the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
For help related to this call, please contact EACEA-EPLUS-ERASMUS-MUNDUS@ec.europa.eu
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM), which annexes do applicants need to provide and how can applicants access the application form?
Only one annex is mandatory for EMDM: Part B, and must be uploaded in pdf format.
In the FTOP, select the action and then click "Start submission" - "download Part B template". Please complete the template following the detailed instructions given in the Portal.
The CVs, list of previous projects, detailed budget table and other annexes are not applicable for Erasmus Mundus Design Measures.
Applications must be submitted using the form provided in the submission system. Please do not change the structure, titles or subtitles and take into account that there is a page limit of 40 pages. Evaluators will not consider any additional pages. Also the Part C - KPI must be completed for Erasmus Mundus Design Measures. The form will appear once the participant data is encoded. For support documentation on how to use the submission system, see IT How To.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence, Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM), should the organisations involved in the future master programme be identified in the application form? Do they need to sign a mandate?
Yes, they need to be identified, notably in Part B of the application form.
These organisations who will co-organise the future joint master programme, will not take part in the signature process of the grant agreement and they do not need to sign any mandate or declaration of honour. Note that your project must include activities that involve higher education institutions from one or more countries not associated to the Erasmus+ programme.
In Part A of the Erasmus Mundus Design Measures application form, only the applicant should be entered (i.e. only the applicant has to be mentioned in the Participants screen of the submission system). No partners can be added in Part A because EMDM uses mono-beneficiary agreements.
In Part B, applicants are expected to describe the 'participating organisations', i.e. the institutions that will be part of the future joint master, and explain how they will work together to implement the project. They must be described under “Consortium set-up: Consortium cooperation and division of roles” as well as in the work package (see part 4.2). Please clearly indicate the name of the institutions, including the city and the country.
In addition, in Part C (KPI) of the application, you are requested to indicate the country where the activities will take place (which includes the countries of your future masters).
Can higher education institutions from third countries not associated to the Programme still apply under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence, Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM)?
No, this is not possible under the 2025 call.
According to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2025, applicants must be higher education institutions (HEIs) established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme.
Furthermore, (in order to be considered eligible), all EMDM applications must have at least one HEI from third countries not associated to the Programme among the organisations involved in the future master programme.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence, which sections of Part B of the Erasmus Mundus Design Measures application form are not necessary to complete?
The following sections of part B are not necessary to be completed:
For the following sections, please read the instructions carefully:
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence, can consortia apply for both Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM) and Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) lots in the same year?
No rule prevents beneficiaries from applying to both Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) and Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM) lots. Both calls are independent, have different objectives and target different types of projects and in particular consortia with a different level of experience/achievements. The difference is that while the EMJM scheme is supporting the implementation of ready-to-run accredited joint masters, the EMDM is supporting the design of (new and innovative) international joint programmes that involve higher education institutions from one or more countries not associated to the Erasmus+ programme.
Please refer to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide for the detailed description of each lot.
Please note that being selected for an EMDM does not provide any guarantee to obtain a grant for a EMJM in the future.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) and Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM), where can we address the sub-criterion on EU values in the application?
Please note that there is no specific dedicated section in Part B of the application for this sub-criterion.
Therefore, to explain how the proposal contributes to the Erasmus+ objectives concerning the respect and promotion of EU common values, please use section 1.1. Background and general objectives, under the Relevance award criterion.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM), what are panels and descriptors in Part A of the application form?
Panels and descriptors are meant for you to define the thematic areas of your programme. You will need to choose one single panel corresponding to the main scientific area of your proposal and only one descriptor, which defines the sub-domain of your programme. In addition, you can use the “free keywords” space to add other scientific areas, if applicable.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM), how do I complete Part A section “Other Questions”?
This section is not applicable to the action. You are not requested to include any information under this section. However, you will need to enter this section and save to be able to finalize and submit your application.
What is the scope of Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters?
The EMJM supports high-level integrated transnational study programmes at Master level (level 7 of the international standard classification of education ISCED 2011) delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions (HEIs) from different countries worldwide and, where relevant, other educational and/or non-educational partners with specific expertise and interest in the concerned study areas/professional domains.
EMJMs are programmes of excellence and should contribute to the integration and internationalisation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The specificity of EMJMs lies in the high degree of jointness/integration among the participating institutions and the excellence of their academic content.
The EMJM aims to enhance the attractiveness and excellence of European higher education in the world and attract talent to Europe, through a combination of:
(i). institutional academic cooperation to showcase European excellence in higher education, and
(ii). individual mobility for all students taking part in the EMJM, with EU-funded scholarships for the best students applying.
What are the eligible participating organisations (Who can apply)?
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
HEIs established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme must be holders of the ECHE certificate (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education).
An ECHE is not required for participating HEIs from third countries not associated to the Programme, but they will have to commit to its principles.
Associations or organisations of HEIs, public or private organisations (including their affiliated entities) that contribute directly and actively to the delivery of EMJM (Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters), established in an EU Member State, third country associated to the Programme or in an eligible third country not associated to the Programme, may also participate but not as coordinator.
Additionally, the EMJM study programme may also benefit from the involvement of associated partners (optional).
At application stage full partner HEIs must demonstrate to have fulfilled the external Quality Assurance (QA) requirements of their jurisdiction for the joint programme. This can result either
Exception: organisations from Belarus (Region 2) and the Russian Federation (Region 4) are not eligible to participate in this action.
What is the consortium composition (Number and profile of participating organisations)?
Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least 3 HEIs (beneficiaries; not affiliated entities) from 3 different countries, of which at least 2 different EU Member States and/or third countries associated to the Programme.
What is the duration of the project?
Projects should normally last 74 months (extensions are possible, if duly justified and through an amendment). Previously funded Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMDs) and Joint Masters (EMJMs) can only apply for renewal at the earliest the year before the contract ends. In no circumstance can two editions of a Master funded by two different grant agreements start in the same academic year.
Where to apply?
To the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters lot, are former Erasmus Mundus projects eligible to apply?
According to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2025, section ‘Eligibility criteria – Duration of the project’, “Previously funded Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMDs) and Joint Masters (EMJMs) can only apply for renewal at the earliest the year before the contract ends. In no circumstance can two editions of a Master funded by two different grant agreements start in the same academic year.” In so far as these requirements are met, former Erasmus Mundus projects are indeed eligible to apply.
For instance, if your EMJMD project eligibility period ends in 2026, you are entitled to apply under the call for proposals with a deadline in 2025. If your project ends in 2027, you are not entitled to apply.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM), what are the minimum requirements linked to scholar mobility?
EMJMs are expected to promote the exchange of staff and invited scholars - from EU and third countries, both associated or not to the Programme - to contribute to teaching, training, research and administrative activities. EACEA will monitor and evaluate whether what was foreseen in the application, was indeed implemented. This will be taken into account at final report stage and will contribute to the overall appreciation of the projects' achievements.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters, is a Partnership Agreement needed at application stage?
A draft Partnership Agreement is expected at application stage. According to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2025, section ‘Setting up a project’, the Partnership Agreement needs to reflect the needs and features of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) project. The PDF version of the draft Partnership Agreement must be uploaded in a separate mandatory annex.
If selected, consortia must also ensure that the Partnership Agreement is signed before the enrolment of the first students in the master course and that it covers all consortium members and partner institutions (including associated partners, if relevant).
The design of the ‘draft and final Partnership Agreement’ falls under the sole responsibility of the applying/selected consortia.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM), what do the individual/special needs unit costs comprise?
The individual needs unit cost is created to provide assistance in terms of travel, international mobility, infrastructural adaptations, technological equipment and specific services (e.g. assistance by third persons, adaptation of work environment, additional travel/transportation costs) to students with disabilities (e.g. long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments), enrolled in an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM).
Contribution for individual needs are eligible, if they fulfil the general eligibility conditions and are calculated as unit contributions in accordance with the method set out in the grant agreement and if:
(a) they are used for enrolled students (with or without scholarship) with disabilities whose long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments are certified by a competent national authority and of such nature that their participation in the action would not be possible without the special needs items or services
(b) the special needs items or services are not already covered from another source (such as social security or health insurance)
(c) the number of units declared corresponds to the number of special needs units that were needed for implementing the action.
The special needs budget is optional, but we encourage applicants to request 1 or 2 times the maximum unit cost of € 60.000 in order to be able to cover the special needs costs if needed.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters, can the same institution submit two proposals for two different degrees?
Yes, it is possible to submit several proposals under the same call. However, as the project selection is very competitive, please note that the chance to be selected for funding depends on the quality of the application(s) compared to all other applications submitted under the same call for proposals.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM), how do I complete Part A section “Other Questions”?
This section is not applicable to the action. You are not requested to include any information under this section. However, you will need to enter this section, click on “validate” and “save” to be able to finalize and submit your application.
What are the Standards for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), referred to under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus?
According to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2025, section ‘Setting up a project’, the Master programme under development is expected to adhere to the Standards for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
The Standards for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes in the EHEA cover all the key aspects of joint programmes, in terms of joint design implementation, delivery and quality assurance. For more details, please visit the website of the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR).
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM), which should be the start date and end date of the action?
The starting date of the action should be set by the applicants, e.g. in late Summer or Autumn 2025. According to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, all projects will have a duration of 74 months, so the end date will be exactly 74 months later.
As an example: if the starting date is 1/09/2025, the end date should be 31/10/2031.
The start date of the action defines the start of the eligibility of the costs. It covers any preparatory phase and does not refer to the start of the first edition of the programme, which can be later.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM), what are panels and descriptors in Part A of the application form?
Panels and descriptors are meant for you to define the thematic areas of your programme. You will need to choose one single panel corresponding to the main scientific area of your proposal and up tp two descriptors, which define the sub-domains of your programme. While the first descriptor is compulsory and refers to the main scientific area of your choice, the second descriptor can also belong to other sub-domains for interdisciplinary purposes. In addition, you can use the “free keywords” space to add other scientific areas, if applicable.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM), how many work packages, milestones and deliverables should be added?
In line with the instructions in the Application Form Part B, please create two work packages only, namely:
-WP1 - Management and implementation of the master programme (including coordination, curriculum implementation, promotion, impact, sustainability and dissemination).
-WP2 - Selection and supervision of students.
The number of milestones is free, but we strongly advise you to limit this to the most important moments in your project. This refers e.g. to the annual update of the mobility tool with the selection results end of April, and to the signature of your partnership agreement.
The number of deliverables is also free, but we strongly recommend applicants to limit them to maximum 15 in total and to group activities, to facilitate further contracting and management if your application is selected. At minimum, please enter the following deliverables:
-Project website (due by the time the programme needs to be advertised to student applicants);
-Promotion material;
-Student Agreement template (due by the time the first students will be enrolled);
-Copy of the degree template(s) (due by the time the first students will be enrolled);
-Signed minutes of the selection meetings (annual / per academic year);
-Internal / external quality review (periodic if relevant) reports;
-Sustainability / business plan.
During the preparation of your grant agreement, you will be asked to add other deliverables in view of reporting vis-à-vis EACEA. Please do not add any deliverable linked to progress or final / financial reports (to EACEA) in your application.
We would also strongly recommend using the dissemination level 'SEN(sitive)' for your deliverables. Note that PUB(lic) deliverables will be automatically visible to all visitors in the Portal.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM), what happens if the beneficiaries do not succeed to reach their objectives in terms of non-scholarship holders by the end of their project?
Please note that the Grant Agreement has provisions on the proper implementation of the action. If your implementation differs significantly from what was indicated at application stage, the grant may be reduced.
Beneficiaries of an Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters grant must implement the action as described in their application and in compliance with the provisions of the Grant Agreement, the call conditions and all legal obligations under applicable EU, international and national law. We therefore expect a realistic forecast of the enrolment policy.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence, Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters - which annexes do applicants need to provide and how can applicants find the application documents?
In order to access the forms and templates, select the action and then click “Start submission”.
For the part B, please click on the ‘Download Part B templates’ button on the left side. You will find a ‘templates’ folder with three templates, but there are more mandatory annexes:
-The application form (Part B – 70 pages max.);
-The 'calculator' (detailed budget and budget calculator);
-The proof of accreditation template;
-The draft Partnership Agreement.
Please note that the 'list of previous projects' should be filled at the end of part B. You will no longer need to upload this information as a separate annex. Moreover, please do not delete part B tags, as they are needed by our IT system for processing the information.
Applications must be submitted using the form provided in the submission system. Please do not change the structure, titles or subtitles of the application form.
Please also note that the detailed budget and budget calculator are protected, and that it is not allowed to modify the proof of accreditation template.
Applicants must use the annexes provided in the download area of the submission system and are strongly advised NOT to reuse documents and annexes from previously submitted EMJM proposals. For instance, the Excel detailed budget table and budget calculator may be subject to modifications with regard to the maximum number of scholarships to be requested compared to the previous year (in 2025: 50 max. under Heading 2, 2 max. under Heading 6 IPA III and 18 max. under Headings 6 NIDICI). As a result, failure to comply with this requirement may lead to inadmissibility of the application.
In addition, we draw your attention to the possibility to submit the following optional annexes:
-The draft student agreement;
-Blank copies of the proposed master degree diplomas;
-Draft model of Diploma Supplement;
-Other annexes
For support documentation on using the submission system, please consult the IT How To.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM), how can applicants complete Part C (KPI)?
Part C - KPI of the application form is mainly for statistical purposes and is compulsory. Applicants need to complete it directly in the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal in order to be able to submit. Please carefully read the help texts and instructions in the form and complete all mandatory fields (marked with a *). As for the mandatory numerical fields (under ‘output, result and impact indicators’), please refer to your planned indicators in so far as you know today. Please make sure that the information on the number of ECTS, former EMJMD and former EMDM is encoded. Also, note that certain fields do not need to be filled at this stage.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence, can consortia apply for both Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM) and Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) lots in the same year?
No rule prevents beneficiaries from applying to both Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) and Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM) lots. Both calls are independent, have different objectives and target different types of projects and in particular consortia with a different level of experience/achievements. The difference is that while the EMJM scheme is supporting the implementation of ready-to-run accredited joint masters, the EMDM is supporting the design of (new and innovative) international joint programmes that involve higher education institutions from one or more countries not associated to the Erasmus+ programme.
Please refer to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide for the detailed description of each lot.
Please note that being selected for an EMDM does not provide any guarantee to obtain a grant for a EMJM in the future.
Under the Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) and Erasmus Mundus Design Measures (EMDM), where can we address the sub-criterion on EU values in the application?
Please note that there is no specific dedicated section in Part B of the application for this sub-criterion.
Therefore, to explain how the proposal contributes to the Erasmus+ objectives concerning the respect and promotion of EU common values, please use section 1.1. Background and general objectives, under the Relevance award criterion.
Erasmus Mundus - FAQ for Students
How are students selected for an Erasmus Mundus master programme?
Students are selected by the individual Erasmus Mundus master programmes, which have their own selection procedures.
To learn about the application process to a particular Erasmus Mundus master programme, we advise you to read the information on their website and contact directly the coordinating university if you have further questions. As each master programme has different selection criteria, unfortunately we cannot offer guidance on these issues. Please go to the Catalogue to find their website.
I have two nationalities. Under which should I apply for an Erasmus Mundus master programme?
You have to choose under which nationality you want to apply.
Where will my Erasmus Mundus Master degree(s) be recognised?
The double, multiple or joint degree delivered by an Erasmus Mundus master programme will be officially recognised in the countries awarding the degree. Recognition of the degree in another European or non-European country is a decision that falls solely within the responsibility of the country concerned.
What kind of degree will I obtain after my Erasmus Mundus studies? Where will it be recognised?
Graduate students of an Erasmus Mundus master programme may be awarded a double, multiple or joint degree depending on the modalities of the course they attend. This information should be available on the programme website or provided by the Coordinator.
Every degree should be accompanied by a Joint Diploma Supplement outlining the nature, level and content of the studies, including the mobility pathway followed by the student, in a standardised format.
A Transcript of Records is also annexed to the degree.
Can I interrupt or postpone my Erasmus Mundus studies?
If you need to temporarily interrupt your studies, you should immediately contact the Coordinator of the programme. Any interruption has to be agreed with the Coordinator. They will be able to give you more information regarding the procedure.
If you have to temporarily leave the course for justified reasons, your scholarship may be put on hold for a certain period of time until you are again able to resume and can actively continue pursuing the course activities.
Where will my Erasmus Mundus Master degree(s) be recognised?
The double, multiple or joint degree delivered by an Erasmus Mundus master programme will be officially recognised in the countries awarding the degree. Recognition of the degree in another European or non-European country is a decision that falls solely within the responsibility of the country concerned.
What kind of degree will I obtain after my Erasmus Mundus studies? Where will it be recognised?
Graduate students of an Erasmus Mundus master programme may be awarded a double, multiple or joint degree depending on the modalities of the course they attend. This information should be available on the programme website or provided by the Coordinator.
Every degree should be accompanied by a Joint Diploma Supplement outlining the nature, level and content of the studies, including the mobility pathway followed by the student, in a standardised format.
A Transcript of Records is also annexed to the degree.
Can I interrupt or postpone my Erasmus Mundus studies?
If you need to temporarily interrupt your studies, you should immediately contact the Coordinator of the programme. Any interruption has to be agreed with the Coordinator. They will be able to give you more information regarding the procedure.
If you have to temporarily leave the course for justified reasons, your scholarship may be put on hold for a certain period of time until you are again able to resume and can actively continue pursuing the course activities.
Can I work during my studies in an Erasmus Mundus master programme?
Erasmus Mundus scholarships are designed as full-time scholarships. As such, they should provide enough resources for students to be able to concentrate on their studies without the necessity of paid employment. The courses require intensive academic activity. Moreover, work permit conditions for non-EU students vary from country to country.
Can I do an internship during my Erasmus Mundus studies?
Most Erasmus Mundus programmes include mandatory or optional internships as part of the study programme. These are excellent opportunities for the students to gain practical knowledge and contacts with potential employers.
However, internships should be carefully agreed upon with the programme Coordinator.
When attending an Erasmus Mundus master programme, can I choose the countries where I want to study?
The countries where you can study are defined by the master programme. To know more, contact the Coordinator.
As a general rule, you must study in a minimum of two countries different from your own country of residence.
You may study / research / do an internship in an institution or in a country outside the consortium, always upon agreement with the Coordinator.
How can I obtain my visa to study in an Erasmus Mundus master programme?
The Coordinator of the course you will study will provide you with guidance and support when applying for a visa. However, you are entirely responsible for completing your visa request and for obtaining it before the start of your studies. As the procedure can be time-consuming and differs from one country to another, it is best to start applying the soonest possible.
What should I do if I receive provisional offers from two Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters?
If you have been selected provisionally by more than one course, we advise you to contact the two masters concerned.
Getting more information about the courses will help you make your final choice. Once you decide which offer you accept or reject, you should communicate it to the two programmes.
Please understand that rejecting an offer is definitive, and your scholarship will be given to another student.
How will I know if I have been selected for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship?
You will be informed about the results of your application directly by the Coordinator(s) of the Erasmus Mundus programme(s) you have applied for.
You will therefore know if you are selected, rejected or on a reserve list. Just remember, it is possible that each course informs their students at different stages or times.
Which academic disciplines are covered in the Erasmus Mundus master programme?
Although the Erasmus Mundus master programmes cover a large range of academic disciplines, they do not cover all existing ones.
Look at the Erasmus Mundus Catalogue and see if there are programmes of your interest.
The Catalogue is updated every year around September-October.
Can I get an Erasmus Mundus scholarship for a short-term mobility period?
Erasmus Mundus does not offer scholarships for short-term mobility.
The International Relations Office of your university may advise you on study abroad grants or traineeship abroad grants.
You may also have a look at the Erasmus+ programme or at study portals.
Can I apply for a Doctorate scholarship through the Erasmus Mundus action?
No. The doctoral programmes and fellowships are available under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, not via Erasmus Mundus.
Can I receive other EU funding in addition to the Erasmus Mundus scholarship?
Erasmus Mundus scholarship holders cannot benefit from another EU-funded scholarship during their studies.
Erasmus Mundus students who do not receive an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, are allowed to benefit from Erasmus+ credit mobility scholarships, if such a possibility exists at the relevant institutions.
Are there provisions in the Erasmus Mundus master programme for candidates with special needs?
All actions under the Erasmus+ programme are open to people with special needs. The programme aims at promoting equity and inclusion by facilitating the access to learners with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities compared to their peers, including people with mental, physical, sensory or other disabilities. For more information, consult the section "Equity and Inclusion" of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide and the Coordinator of the programme you are interested in.
If someone already holds a Master degree, can they apply for an Erasmus Mundus master programmee?
In principle, already graduated master students can participate in the programme.
However, all Erasmus Mundus master programmes have their own application requirements, and we cannot provide guidance on the specific conditions of each. Please carefully check the scholarship selection's eligibility conditions of the particular programme(s) you are applying for.
Can I apply for an Erasmus Mundus master programme if I am a European citizen or a non-European citizen already living in Europe?
Erasmus Mundus master programmes are open to any student worldwide, independently of their nationality or country of residence.
The scholarship mechanisms depend on the generation of the master you are applying for. Please contact directly the course organisers, who will inform you on the applicable rules.
How to apply for an Erasmus Mundus master programme?
The list of all Erasmus Mundus master programmes is available on the Catalogue. Go to the website of the master you are interested in. Check the conditions for scholarship application. Attention: every master programme has its own requirements and procedure! If you need more information, contact directly the programme coordinator.
Apply directly to the course organisers.
Who can apply for an Erasmus Mundus master programme?
Erasmus Mundus master programmes are open to applicants from all over the world.
Further conditions apply: for example the possession of a first higher education degree, among others. You will find the full list of eligibility requirements on the website(s) of the Erasmus Mundus master programme you are interested in. Please have a look at the Catalogue to find the website of a particular master.
Bear in mind that each master programme has specific requirements.
Which Erasmus Mundus master programmes are available?
The Erasmus Mundus master programmes are listed in the Catalogue.
The Catalogue is updated every year around September-October and lists the Master's programmes that are currently supported by the European Union. Most offer Erasmus Mundus scholarships.
*Daha detaylı ve güncel bilgi için ilgili yılın program rehberine bakınız.
Hangi kurumlar katılabilir?
Kimler koordinatör olabilir?
Proje süresi ne kadardır?
Başvurular nereye hangi platform üzerinden yapılmaktadır?
Son başvuru tarihi ne zamandır?
Başvuru için gerekli ortaklık yapısı nasıldır?
Kâr Amacı Gütmeyen Avrupa Spor Etkinlikleri kapsamında kapsamında başvuru yapılabilecek etkinlik tipleri ve bunların özellikleri nelerdir?
Büyük Ölçekli Avrupa Etkinliği
Programa bağlı 15 farklı AB Üye Devleti ve üçüncü ülkeden gelen en az 15 kuruluş (1 tek başvuru sahibi + ilişkili ortaklar olarak sunulan 14 katılımcı kuruluş) gereklidir.
Büyük Ölçekli Avrupa etkinliği kapsamında, faaliyetler 2025 yılında bir AB Üye Devleti veya Programa bağlı bir üçüncü ülkede gerçekleştirilmelidir. Bu spor etkinlikleri en az 7 farklı sporu içermeli ve etkinlik sonrasında yıl boyunca uygulanacak faaliyetleri kapsamalıdır. Bu sayede etkinliğin toplumsal faydalar (örneğin, sosyal, eğitimsel, çevresel, sağlık) açısından kalıcılığı sağlanmalı ve spor yoluyla kapsayıcılığın teşvik edilmesi hedeflenmelidir.
Birleşik Krallık’tan kurumlar bu proje türüne katılabilir mi?
Başvuru formu Türkçe doldurulabilir mi?
Başvuru esnasında ortak kurumlar arasında mandate imzalanması gerekli midir?
Başvuru esnasında özgeçmiş yüklenmesi gerekli midir?
Başvurular sırasında hangi kurumsal numara sistemi (PIC/OID) kullanılmalıdır?
Değerlendirme kriterleri nelerdir?
*Daha detaylı ve güncel bilgi için ilgili yılın program rehberine bakınız.
Hangi ülkeler katılabilir?
Hangi kurumlar katılabilir?
Koordinatör kurum kim olabilir?
Başvuru için gerekli ortaklık yapısı nasıldır?
Projenin bütçesi ne kadardır?
Proje süresi ne kadardır?
Proje kapsamındaki faaliyetler hangi ülkelerde gerçekleştirilebilir?
Başvurular nereye hangi platform üzerinden yapılmaktadır?
Son başvuru tarihi ne zamandır?
Birleşik Krallık’tan kurumlar bu proje türüne katılabilir mi?
Başvuru formu Türkçe doldurulabilir mi?
Başvuru esnasında ortak kurumlar arasında mandate imzalanması gerekli midir?
Başvuru esnasında özgeçmiş yüklenmesi gerekli midir?
Başvurular sırasında hangi Kurumsal Numara sistemi (PIC/OID) kullanılmalıdır?
Değerlendirme kriterleri nelerdir?
*Daha detaylı ve güncel bilgi için ilgili yılın program rehberine bakınız.
Başvuru için gerekli ortaklık yapısı nasıldır?
Kimler koordinatör olabilir?
Kimler ortak olabilir?
İlgili ortak nedir ve kimler ilgili ortak olabilir?
Projenin bütçesi ne kadardır?
Proje süresi ne kadardır?
Proje kapsamındaki faaliyetler hangi ülkelerde gerçekleştirilebilir?
Başvurular nereye hangi platform üzerinden yapılmaktadır?
Son başvuru tarihi ne zamandır?
Birleşik Krallık’tan kurumlar bu proje türüne katılabilir mi?
Başvuru formu kaç sayfa olmalıdır?
Başvuru formu Türkçe doldurulabilir mi?
Başvuru esnasında ortak kurumlar arasında mandate imzalanması gerekli midir?
Başvuru esnasında özgeçmiş yüklenmesi gerekli midir?
Başvurular sırasında hangi Kurumsal Numara sistemi (PIC/OID) kullanılmalıdır?
Değerlendirme kriterleri nelerdir?
*Daha detaylı ve güncel bilgi için ilgili yılın program rehberine bakınız.
Kimler başvuru yapabilir?
Başvuru için gerekli ortaklık yapısı nasıldır?
Projenin bütçesi ne kadardır?
Proje süresi ne kadardır?
Proje kapsamındaki faaliyetler hangi ülkelerde gerçekleştirilebilir?
Başvurular nereye hangi platform üzerinden yapılmaktadır?
Son başvuru tarihi ne zamandır?
Birleşik Krallık’tan kurumlar bu proje türüne katılabilir mi?
Başvuru formu kaç sayfa olmalıdır?
Başvuru formu Türkçe doldurulabilir mi?
Başvuru esnasında ortak kurumlar arasında mandate imzalanması gerekli midir?
Başvuru esnasında özgeçmiş yüklenmesi gerekli midir?
Başvurular sırasında hangi Kurumsal Numara sistemi (PIC/OID) kullanılmalıdır?
Değerlendirme kriterleri nelerdir?
*For further and up-to-date details, refer to the programme guide of the relevant year.
What is the scope of capacity building in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET)?
Capacity building projects are international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of VET in EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme, and third countries not associated to the Programme. They aim to support the relevance, accessibility, and responsiveness of VET institutions and systems in third countries not associated to the Programme as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development.
Through joint initiatives that foster cooperation across different regions of the world, this action intends to increase the capacity of VET providers - especially in the fields of management, governance, inclusion, quality assurance, and innovation - so that they are better equipped to engage with private sector/enterprises/business associations to explore employment opportunities and jointly develop responsive VET interventions. International partnerships should contribute to improving the quality of VET in the third countries not associated to the Programme, notably by reinforcing the capacities of VET staff and teachers as well as by strengthening the link between VET providers and the labour market.
It is envisaged that the capacity building projects VET contribute to the broader policy objectives that are being pursued between the European Commission and the third countries not associated to the Programme or region concerned, including Global Gateway investment packages and the development of Talent partnerships and the Talent pool as laid down in the Commission Communication on attracting skills and talent to the EU of April 2022.
What are the objectives of the action?
Specifically, the action will:
▪Build capacity of VET providers to strengthen cooperation between private and public stakeholders in the field of vocational education and training for demand-oriented and opportunity-driven VET interventions;
▪Improve the quality and responsiveness of VET to socio-economic opportunities and social developments to enhance the labour market relevance of skills provision;
▪ Align VET provision to local, regional and national development strategies.
What are the thematic areas?
Features that characterise capacity building in VET include some thematic areas presented below. Proposals should focus on one or more of the following themes:
▪ Work-based learning (for young people and/or adults);
▪ Quality assurance mechanisms;
▪ VET teachers/trainers professional development;
▪ Key competences, including entrepreneurship and citizenship competence;
▪ Public Private Dialogue and Partnerships in VET;
▪ Innovation in VET;
▪ Green and digital skills for the twin transition;
▪Skills matching with current and future job opportunities, including in promising value chains under development;
▪ Development of curricula and training modules.
In addition, the applicants can cover thematic areas that are not presented above.
What are the activities ?
The activities proposed must be directly linked to the objectives and thematic areas of the action, i.e. they must correspond to one or more of the thematic areas listed above and they must be detailed in a project description covering the entire implementation period.
In the context of this international worldwide action, project activities must focus on building and strengthening the capacities of organisations active in the field of VET principally in the third countries not associated to the Programme covered by the action.
Funded projects will be able to integrate a wide range of cooperation, exchange, communication and other activities including, for example:
▪Creating and developing networks and exchanges of good practice between VET providers in third countries not associated to the Programme and in EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme;
▪Creating tools, programmes and other materials to build the capacity of institutions from third countries not associated to the Programme (practical training schemes training programmes and tools for assessing and validating learning outcomes in VET, individual action plans for participating institutions; professional guidance and counselling and coaching methods…);
▪ Creating mechanisms to involve the private sector both in the design and delivery of curricula and to provide VET learners with high quality work-based experience;
▪Developing and transferring pedagogical approaches, teaching and training materials and methods, including work based learning, virtual mobility, open educational resources and better exploitation of the ICT potential;
▪Developing and implementing international (virtual) exchange activities for staff primarily (including teachers and non-teaching staff such as school leaders, managers, counsellors, advisors, etc.).
In case learner and staff mobility activities are proposed, these should contribute directly to the objectives of the project and be strongly embedded in the project logic as a whole.
The proposed activities should bring an added value and will have a direct impact on the achievement of the project results.
What are the regional priorities?
The budget available is divided between different regions of the world (i.e. Western Balkans, Neighbourhood East, SouthMediterranean countries, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Caribbean) and the size of each budgetary envelope is different. Proposals will be ranked per Region according to the specific budgetary envelope.
In 2025 the submission session is available for: ERASMUS-EDU-2025-CB-VET-LA, ERASMUS-EDU-2025-CB-VET-CA, ERASMUS-EDU-2025-CB-VET-SSA, ERASMUS-EDU-2025-CB-VET-NE, ERASMUS-EDU-2025-CB-VET-WB, ERASMUS-EDU-2025-CB-VET-SM.
What are the eligible countries?
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities, if applicable) must:
Participating organisations can be, for example (non-exhaustive list):
- VET providers
- Companies, industry, other employers or sector representative organisations
- National/regional qualification authorities
- Employment services
- Research institutes
- Innovation agencies
- Regional development authorities
- International organisations
country associated to the Programme, third country not associated to the Programme from an eligible region.
The eligible regions covered by this action are Regions 1, 2410, 3, 9, 10 and 11 (please
see Part A of Programme Guide).
The coordinator must be an organisation active in the VET field. It applies on behalf of all participating organisations involved in the project. It cannot be an affiliated entity.
Organisations from third countries not associated to the Programme cannot be coordinators.
Other entities may participate in other consortium roles, such as associated partners.
Exception: Organisations from Belarus and Russia are not eligible to participate in this action as associated partners
What the consortium composition should be?
Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least 4 applicants (beneficiaries, not
affiliated entities) from minimum 3 eligible countries:
▪ At least 2 EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme (each of these participating countries must involve at least 1 organisation)
▪ At least 1 eligible third country not associated to the Programme
▪ At least 2 organisations from the participating eligible third country/countries not associated to the Programme from the same region (organisations from different eligible regions cannot participate in the same projects. Cross-regional projects are not eligible)
The consortium must include at least one VET provider at non-tertiary education level.
The number of organisations from EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme may not be higher than the number of organisations from eligible third countries not associated to the Programme.
Affiliated entities and associated partners do not count for the consortium composition.
What should be the geographical location of the activities?
Activities must take place in the countries of the organisations participating in the project. If duly justified in relation to the objectives or implementation of the project:
▪ Activities can also take place at the seat of an Institution of the European Union, even if in the project there are no participating organisations from the country that hosts the Institution;
▪ Activities involving sharing and promotion of results can also take place at relevant thematic transnational events/conferences in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme or eligible third countries not associated to the Programme.
What is the duration of the project?
Projects should normally last 24 or 36 months (extensions are possible, if duly justified and through an amendment of the grant agreement).
Where to apply?
To the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) via the EU Funding & Tender Portal.
Call IDs:
Before applying, please, see the relevant FAQs on the EU Funding & Tenders Portal.
What are the funding rules?
This action follows a lump-sum funding model. The amount of the single lump-sum contribution will be determined for each grant based on the estimated budget of the action proposed by the applicant. The amount will be fixed by the granting authority on the basis of the estimated project budget, evaluation result, and a funding rate of 80%. The EU grant per project will vary from a minimum of EUR 100 000 EUR to a maximum of EUR 400 000 Financial support to third parties in the form of grants or prizes is not allowed. Costs for financial audits are not allowed. Volunteer costs are allowed. They shall take the form of unit costs as defined in the to the Commission Decision on unit costs for volunteers.
How is the project lump sum determined?
Applicants must fill in a detailed budget table according to the application form, taking into account the following points:
▪The budget should be detailed as necessary by beneficiary/-ies and organized in coherent work packages (forexample divided into ‘project management’, ‘training’, ‘organization of events’, ‘mobility preparation andimplementation’, ‘communication and dissemination’, ‘quality assurance’, etc.);
▪The proposal must describe the activities covered by each work package;
▪Applicants must provide in their proposal a breakdown of the lump sum showing the share per work package (and, within each work package, the share assigned to each beneficiary and affiliated entity);
▪Costs described can cover staff costs, travel and subsistence costs, equipment costs and subcontracting as well as other costs (such as dissemination of information, publishing or translation).
Proposals will be evaluated according to the standard evaluation procedures with the help of internal and/or external experts. The experts will assess the quality of the proposals against the requirements defined in the call and the expected impact, quality and efficiency of the action.
Following the proposal evaluation, the authorising officer will establish the amount of the lump sum, taking into account the findings of the assessment carried out.
The grant parameters (maximum grant amount, etc.) will be fixed in the Grant Agreement. Please refer to Part C of Programme Guide, section 'Eligible direct costs'.
The project achievements will be evaluated on the outcomes completed. This funding scheme will allow putting focus on the outputs rather than the inputs, thereby placing emphasis on the quality and level of achievement of measurable objectives.
More details are described in the model Grant Agreement available in the EU Funding & Tenders Portal.
What is the proposal page limit and layout?
Page limit for the Part B Technical Description of the Application Form is 70 pages. Within this 70 pages limit, the list of relevant previous projects is included.
Layout as described in the Important Notice of the Part B Technical Description of the Application Form.
How should staff costs be encoded?
Where can I find information on the budgetary envelopes for different regions mentioned in the Programme Guide?
What is included in the maximum 70 pages limit for the Part B of an application? Is the cover page and list of previous projects considered in this limit?
The Programme Guide is the basic document for preparation of an application. Could you inform us what else can help us to prepare a successful application?
How should I calculate “travel and subsistence costs”?
Should we identify at the very end of the Part B of an application the list of previous projects for the entire consortium? Or only for the applicant?
The financial system Lump Sum Type II will be used. Where can further information be found?
How should the 20% co-financing part of the budget be assured?
Is it possible to involve in one application organisations from two eligible countries NOT associated to the Erasmus+ Programme from two different regions?
Does one “unit” in the “Direct personnel cost” represents one person-day or one person-month?
Where can the Annotated Model Grant Agreement (AGA) be found?
Is it possible to include mobility in an application?
How should the staff costs for personnel be calculated?
The section “Regional priorities” mentions lower and upper middle income countries and least developed countries. Where can I find the list of these countries?
Does an official division among national, regional and cross-regional applications exist and if yes, where in an application we should tick/select if our application is national, regional or cross-regional?
Some sections of Application Form – Part B request to address all guiding points presented in the Programme Guide. Should the guiding points be covered in one box or could be divided between relevant questions?
To which email address can we send our questions?
One of the new eligibility criteria is to include "at least one VET provider at non-tertiary education level”. From which country or region of countries can this VET provider come from?
How can I get support?
Please read carefully all provisions of the Call before the preparation of your application.
For help related to this call, please contact EACEA-EPLUS-CBVET@ec.europa.eu
*For further and up-to-date details, refer to the programme guide of the relevant year.
What is the scope of capacity building in the field of Higher Education (HED)?
The Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) action supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of higher education. The activities and outcomes of CBHE projects must be geared to benefit the eligible third countries not associated to the Programme, their higher education institutions and systems. In line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement, this action supports the relevance, quality, modernisation and responsiveness of higher education in third countries not associated to the Programme in addressing socio-economic recovery, growth and prosperity and reacting to recent trends, in particular economic globalisation but also the recent decline in human development, fragility, and rising social, economic and environmental inequalities. Projects in capacity building in higher education are envisioned to contribute to the broader policy objectives that are being pursued between the European Commission and the third countries not associated to the Programme or region concerned, including the Global Gateway investment packages.
What are the objectives of the action?
In third countries not associated to the Programme the action will specifically:
▪ Enhance the relevance of higher education for the successful implementation of the EU’s Global Gateway strategy and the investment priorities set within;
▪ Improve the quality of HE and enhance its relevance for the labour market and society;
▪Improve the level of competences, skills and employability potential of students in HEIs by developing new, relevant and innovative education programmes;
▪Promote inclusive education, equality, equity, non-discrimination and the promotion of civic competences in HE;
▪Enhance the teaching, assessment mechanisms for HEI staff and students, quality assurance, management, governance, inclusion, innovation, knowledge base, digital and entrepreneurial capacities, as well as the internationalisation of HEIs;
▪ Increase the capacities of HEIs, bodies in charge of HE and competent authorities to modernise their higher education systems, particularly in terms of governance and financing, by supporting the definition, implementation and monitoring of reform processes;
▪ Improve the training of teachers and continuous professional development in order to impact the longer term quality of the education system;
▪ Stimulate cooperation of institutions, capacity building and exchange of good practice;
▪ Foster cooperation across different regions of the world through joint initiatives.
Are there limits in terms of grant percentage that can be spent on subcontracting?
There are limits in terms of grant percentage that can be spent on subcontracting. In particular, subcontracting should represent a maximum of 10% of the awarded EU grant.
Moreover, it should be noted that for subcontracting the following rules apply:
- Subcontracting is not possible for coordinating tasks (not even to full partners of the consortium)
- Subcontracting should not cover core activities on which the achievement of the objectives of the action directly depends on
- Subcontracting should be exceptional; if not, the operational capacity of the consortium could be put under discussion
- The action must be implemented [including the subcontracted part(s)] in compliance with the provisions of the Programme Guide and the Model Grant Agreement - Lump sum grants
- Subcontractors cannot be in the lists of the EU Sanctions (restrictive measures)
- Subcontracting costs should be clearly indicated per beneficiary and per work package in the lump-sum grant excel table
Are there limits in terms of grant percentage that can be spent on equipment?
Yes, for equipment the following rules apply:
- Costs for equipment should represent a maximum of 35% of the awarded EU grant
- The EU grant will cover 100% of the eligible purchase costs (not only the depreciation)
Moreover, it should be noted that for equipment purchase the following rules apply as well:
- Only the purchase of equipment, which is directly relevant to the objectives of the Strand and
- Made not later than 12 months before the end of the project can be considered as eligible expenditure;
- Equipment is intended exclusively for the HEIs of the third countries not associated to the programme included in the partnership, where it must be recorded in the official inventory of the HEIs for which it is purchased.
- Equipment costs should be included in the budget tables for each beneficiary concerned (for example BE 001, BE 003, BE 006, etc.) and specified in the excel worksheet ‘Depreciation Costs’.
What is the maximum grant amount and co-financing rate?
The EU contribution will represent a maximum of 90% of the total costs (for all three Strands), with a maximum grant per proposal of 400.000 EUR for Strand 1.800.000 EUR for Strand 2 and 1.000.000 EUR for Strand 3.
Please pay attention to correctly enter in the first worksheet ‘Instructions’ of the Detailed Budget Table (ERASMUS LSII) both the ‘Maximum grant amount as stipulated in the call’ in the field E34, and the ‘Maximum co-financing rate' as stipulated in the call in the field E35 (always 90%).
Which documents need to be attached to the application?
The documents that need to be attached to the application are available in the 'Download Part B templates' space once the applicants click on 'Start submission':
The templates to be filled in are:
- Administrative Forms (PART A) - filled out directly in the Portal Submission System screens
- Technical Description (PART B)
- Detailed Budget Table (ERASMUS LSII)
- Applicants are also requested to fill in PART C (KPIs) which is embedded in the Portal Submission System screens.
Documents that do not need to be attached to the application form:
- CVs are not requested. The template of PART B states “if required” which is not the case for CBHE
- Annual activity reports are not applicable for this call
- No Mandates signed by the partners and Declarations other than those included in PART A & PART B (Section 6 – Double funding) are required at application stage.
A 'Declaration on honour' will be required for each beneficiary of selected proposals only, and their signature will be dealt with during the grant agreement preparation phase (e-signature in the Portal).
In case my lump sum grant is audited, do I need to provide complete accounts of individual salary statements?
Under the lump sum grant agreement, there is no obligation to keep records on the actual costs incurred.
However, you may have to comply with other record keeping requirements outside the lump sum grant agreement (e.g., under national law of your internal procedures). It is possible that some of these records, if relevant for the project, are used in case of an audit to verify the reality of the work done. This includes the points mentioned in Article 25.1.3 of the MGA (i.e., complete accounts, individual salary statements or other personal data). Such information and data can also be requested in the specific context of certain investigations, for example, related to fraud suspicion.
In case the coordinator is an organisation of heis, does this mean that the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) is not required for this coordinator, since it is required for heis alone?
Organisation of HEIs is a network of different HEIs (umbrella organisation gathering recognised HEIs), active in the field of higher education. It can be eligible to coordinate a CBHE project.
However, and in compliance with the minimum CBHE consortium composition criteria, an organisation of HEIs will not be considered as a HEI, unless it holds an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) itself. If an organisation of HEIs is not a holder of an ECHE, the proposal needs to include in the consortium the minimum number of HEIs as appropriate.
What is co-financing? What can we include in the co-financing?
We do not establish the type of your co-financing to be included in the excel table.
In the Lump Sum type-II model - after having filled in correctly the parameters in the first worksheet ‘Instructions’, only the project’s estimated budget must be specified, by filling in the Detailed Budget Table per beneficiary (BE) and per work package (WP), based on actual costs. Within this budget table the co-financing rate will be applied automatically to the total costs as calculated by the excel table. Therefore, the amount of the EU contribution includes the co-financing.
Should applicants refer to any rate for travel, accommodation, and subsistence cost?
For actions managed by the Executive Agency, when calculating your travel, accommodation and subsistence costs, please use the unit costs for travel, accommodation and subsistence specified in Commission Decision C(2024) 5405.
As stated in said Commission Decision C(2024) 5405, all Land Travel / Flight distances should be calculated through the relevant distance calculators available on the Calculate unit costs for eligible travel costs website. When calculating the unit costs per distance band, please refer to the amounts defined in Table 3.
As to the amounts for accommodation and subsistence costs (section 5.5), not all countries are included. For the countries missing (example countries in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa) the cost estimations for accommodation/subsistence must approximate your actual costs.
Are costs relating to volunteers allowed?
Costs relating to volunteers involved in the project are allowed. They shall take the form of unit costs as defined in the Commission Decision C (2019) 2646 authorising the use of unit costs for volunteers.
How are staff costs calculated?
You must follow the ‘Instructions’ as stipulated in the relevant worksheet of the Detailed Budget excel table (Annex 1 to Part B of the application form), i.e. do the calculation based on the ‘Unit’ of person months (1 unit => 1 person month). You can also encode decimals under 'Unit'.
How many applications can be coordinated by the same institution?
HEIs or organisations of HEIs can submit as many applications as they wish. No limits are set as regards the number of applications where an institution can be partner or coordinator.
Which is the page limit for Part B - technical description?
The page limit is set at 40 pages.
Do we need to introduce the costs for an audit certificate in our budget?
An audit certificate will not be requested with the final report. Therefore, applicants do not need to calculate this cost in the budget.
Are there ceilings for the different types of cost in the Lump-Sums II model?
Yes, two ceilings are applicable.
- Equipment: Costs for equipment should represent a maximum of 35% of the awarded EU grant, and the EU grant will cover 100% of the eligible costs (not only the depreciation).
- Subcontracting: Costs of subcontracting should represent a maximum of 10% of the awarded EU grant.
Nonetheless, only costs necessary, reasonable and justified for the implementation of the project must be specified in the excel table, in accordance with the applicable accounting standards of the country where the beneficiary (BEN) is established and according to the usual cost accounting practices of the beneficiary. Finally, they must comply with the principle of sound financial management, in particular regarding economy and efficiency.
How many applications can be coordinated by the same institution?
HEIs, associations or organisations of HEIs can submit as many applications as they wish. No limits are set as regards the number of applications where an institution can be partner.
However, a maximum of two proposals per applicant organisation can be funded.
How should travel costs be encoded?
In the budget excel table you need to fill in the travel/subsistence costs as an average calculated by you based on real costs. Said that, you will need to differentiate the travel costs per work package and per beneficiary.
However, only costs necessary, reasonable and justified for the implementation of the project must be specified in the excel table, in accordance with the applicable accounting standards of the country where the beneficiary (BEN) is established and according to the usual cost accounting practices of the beneficiary.
Finally, travel/subsistence costs must comply with the principle of sound financial management, in particular regarding economy and efficiency.
Can I use the rates established for the previous CBHE programme to create my lump sum?
You can base your calculations on the previous CBHE rates if you find them useful, but this is not mandatory.
In the “Detailed Budget Table”, amounts under the “cost per unit” column should be based on actual costs per beneficiary (coordinating institution and full partners only, and where applicable of affiliated entities as well). You should prepare your total budget with all actual costs for each of the project’s work packages, which will then be used to establish the lump sum amount for your project.
Application form Part A requests the input of keywords. How should I select them?
Application Form Part A "Administrative Forms" (section 1 "General information") requests that applicants select fixed keywords, in addition to which free keywords may be encoded.
You should carefully choose the keywords that best describe your proposal.
Please note that:
▪ You may select up to six fixed keywords from the drop-down menu of Application Form Part A;
▪The 'fixed keywords' should relate to the topics/thematic focus/activities covered by your proposal (in order of importance); we strongly advise you to select a mimum of one (1) and a maximum of six (6) fixed keywords;
▪ The free keywords section should be used to add keywords that best describe your proposal and that could not be found in the 'fixed keywords';
▪ All keywords (fixed and free) must be prioritised. You must choose them by order of importance, the first being the most important/relevant to your proposal.
How should staff costs be encoded?
Applicants must follow the ‘Instructions’ as stipulated in the relevant worksheet of the Detailed Budget excel table (Annex 1 to Part B of the application form), i.e. they should do a calculation based on the ‘Unit’ of person months. Please note that 0,4 person months and lower are rounded down and, in the end, not considered in the calculation. As a result, it is not possible to encode a ‘Unit’ of less than one person month. On the other hand, 0,5 person months and above will be rounded up to one month and be considered as such in the calculation.
The ‘Units’ of person months you decide upon should relate to the actual amount that should be paid to the staff, i.e. if the person works 1,6 months for 1.000 EUR (cost per unit would be theoretically 625 EUR), you should encode 2 person months, but keep the cost of 1.000 EUR (cost per unit should be 500 EUR). You have the possibility to explain your calculation for such cases in the work sheet called “Any comments”.
What are the conditions of applying for the ‘Educational digital environment for Ukraine’ initiative under Strand 3?
Consortia applying for the ‘Educational digital environment for Ukraine’ initiative must take into consideration the following:
▪ Who can apply as the consortium coordinator
- Either a HEI from Ukraine
- Or a national competent authority (e.g. Ministry) responsible for higher education in Ukraine
- Or a HEI from an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme
▪ Who can be consortium partners
A consortium must have at least:
- One HEI from Ukraine
- One HEI from an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme
- A national competent authority (e.g. Ministry) responsible for higher education in Ukraine
Beyond this basic composition, the consortium may have additional partners. These partners can be:
- HEIs
- Associations, public or private organisations, including their affiliated entities (if any), active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training and youth
These partners must be located either in Ukraine or in an EU Member State, or in a third country associated to the Programme.
In any case, there must be at least one HEI from each of the countries involved.
How can I get support?
Please read carefully all provisions before the preparation of your application.
For help related to this call, please contact EACEA-EPLUS-CBHE@ec.europa.eu
*Daha detaylı ve güncel bilgi için ilgili yılın program rehberine bakınız.
Gençlik Alanında Kapasite Geliştirme Projeleri, AB üyesi devletlerde, Programla İlişkili Üçüncü Ülkelerde ve Programla İlişkili Olmayan uygun Üçüncü Ülkelerde gençlik alanında faaliyet gösteren kuruluşlar arasında çok taraflı ortaklıklara dayanan uluslararası iş birliği projeleridir.
Sürdürülebilir sosyo-ekonomik kalkınmanın ve gençlik örgütlerinin ve gençlerin refahının bir itici gücü olarak, gençlik ve yaygın öğrenme alanında uluslararası iş birliğini ve politika diyaloğunu desteklemeyi amaçlarlar.
Amacı Nedir?
Gençlik kuruluşlarının kapasitesinin arttırılması
Örgün eğitim sistemleri ile sinerji ve tamamlayıcılığının arttırılması
Bölgeler arasında iş birliğini teşvik etmek
Yaygın öğrenmeyi teşvik etmek
AB Gençlik Stratejisi’nin tanıtımına ve uygulanmasına katkıda bulunmak
Gençlik çalışmalarının gelişimini desteklemek
Kimler Başvurabilir?
Gençlik alanında çalışan STK'lar (Avrupa Gençlik STK'ları ve ulusal Gençlik Konseyleri dahil)
Yerel, bölgesel veya ulusal düzeyde kamu otoriteleri
Uygun ülkeler hangileridir?
Bölge 1
Bölge 2*
Bölge 3
*: Belarus projelere dahil edilemez.
*: Ermenistan ve Azerbaycan'dan kuruluşlar sadece katılımcı olarak katılabilir, koordinatör olarak katılamaz.
Ortaklık yapısı nedir?
En az 3 uygun ülkeden en az 4 kurum/kuruluş.
En az 1 farklı program üyesi ülke ve her birinden en az 1 kurum/kuruluş
En az 2 tane programla ilişkili olmayan uygun üçüncü ülke ve her birinden en az 1 kurum/kuruluş
Not: Program üyesi olmayan ülkelerden seçilecek kurumlar aynı bölgeden olmak zorundadır. Bölgeler arası ortaklıklar kurulamaz.
Proje süresi nedir ve bütçesi ne kadardır?
Proje süresi 12 ile 36 ay arasıdır.
Proje bütçesi en fazla 300.000 €’dur.
Son başvuru tarihi nedir?
Son başvuru tarihi için teklif çağrıları ve rehberler sayfasını inceleyiniz.
Proje örneklerine nereden ulaşılabilir?
*Daha detaylı ve güncel bilgi için ilgili yılın program rehberine bakınız.
Avrupa Gençliği Bir Arada projeleri, Avrupa'nın her yerinden (AB Üye Devletleri ve programa bağlı üçüncü ülkeler) gençlerle yakın işbirliği içinde yürütülecek, bölgesel ortaklıkları teşvik eden ağlar oluşturmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Amacı Nedir?
Avrupa'daki gençlerin hem fiziksel hem de çevrim içi faaliyetler yoluyla ortak projeler oluşturmalarını, değişimler düzenlemelerini ve eğitimleri (örneğin gençlik liderleri/gençlik çalışanları için) teşvik etmelerini sağlayarak iş birliği yaratmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca, hem tabandan hem de büyük ölçekli gençlik kuruluşları için ulusötesi ortaklıkları desteklemeyi ve faaliyetlerinin Avrupa boyutunu güçlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Kimler Başvurabilir?
- Tüzel kişiler,
- Bir AB Üye Devletinde veya Programla ilişkili üçüncü bir ülkede yerleşik olanlar,
- Gençlik alanında çalışan STK'lar (Avrupa Gençlik STK'ları ve ulusal Gençlik Konseyleri dahil),
- Yerel, bölgesel veya ulusal düzeydeki kamu kurumları,
- Kamu veya özel şirketler (sosyal işletmeler dahil olmak üzere küçük, orta veya büyük ölçekli işletmeler) de katılabilir ancak koordinatör olarak katılamazlar.
Uygun ülkeler hangileridir?
AB üyesi devletler ya da programla ilişkili üçüncü ülkelerdir.
Ortaklık yapısı nedir?
AB üyesi devletler ya da programla ilişkili üçüncü ülkelerden en az 5 kurum/kuruluşla ortaklık yapısı kurulabilir.
Proje süresi nedir ve bütçesi ne kadardır?
Proje süresi 24 aydır.
Proje bütçesi en fazla 500.000 €’dur.
Son başvuru tarihi nedir?
Son başvuru tarihi için teklif çağrıları ve rehberler sayfasını inceleyiniz.
Proje örneklerine nereden ulaşılabilir?
*For further and up-to-date details, refer to the call document and programme guide of the relevant year.
What is the scope of Forward-Looking Projects?
This action will aim to foster innovation, creativity and participation, as well as social entrepreneurship, in different fields of education and training, within sectors or across sectors and disciplines.
Forward-Looking Projects are large-scale projects that aim to identify, develop, test and/or assess innovative (policy) approaches that have the potential of becoming mainstreamed, thus improving education and training systems. They will support forward-looking ideas responding to key European priorities. They should give input for improving education and training systems, as well as bring a substantial innovative effect in terms of methods and practices to all types of learning and active participation settings for Europe's social cohesion.
The goal is to support transnational cooperation projects implementing a coherent and comprehensive set of sectoral or cross-sectoral activities that either:
Who can apply for Forward-Looking Projects?
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
▪ be legal entities (public or private bodies) active in the fields of education and training, research and innovation or in the world of work.
▪ be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
Erasmus+ Programme Countries:
- EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs))
Non-EU countries:
- listed EEA countries and countries associated to the Erasmus+ Programme (please check the programme guide for the list of participating countries)
▪ for higher education institutions (HEIs) established in Erasmus+ Programme Countries: Be holders of the ECHE certificate (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education).
Organisations from third countries not associated to the Programme can only be involved as associated partners (not as beneficiaries and affiliated entities).
Exception: Organisations from Belarus and the Russian Federation are not eligible to participate in this action.
What is the duration of the projects?
Projects should normally range between 24 and 36 months. Extensions are possible, if duly justified and through an amendment.
What are the funding rules?
The grant will be a lump-sum grant. This means that it will reimburse a fixed amount, based on a lump sum or financing not linked to costs. The amount will be fixed by the granting authority on the basis of the estimated project budget and a funding rate of 80%.
Maximum grant amount is 1.000.000 Euro per project. The grant awarded may be lower than the amount requested.
Where to apply?
To the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) through Funding and Tenders Opportunities Platform (FTOP).
When is the deadline for submission?
27 May 2025 – 17.00 CET (Brussels)
How can I get support?
Please read carefully all provisions before the preparation of your application.
For help related to this call, please contact EACEA-Policy-Support@ec.europa.eu
Please click for Online Info Session.
*Daha detaylı ve güncel bilgi için ilgili yılın program rehberine bakınız.
Yüksek öncelikli alanlarda gönüllülük takımları, en az iki farklı ülkeden gençlerin bir araya gelerek gerçekleştirdikleri büyük ölçekli, yüksek etkili projelerdir. AB düzeyinde her yıl tanımlanan politika alanlarındaki ortak Avrupa zorluklarına müdahale konulu hazırlanırlar.
Amacı nedir?
Kimler başvurabilir?
AB üyesi devletler ya da programla ilişkili üçüncü ülkelerdir.
Uygun ülkeler hangileridir?
Kâr amacı güden veya gütmeyen, yerel, bölgesel, ulusal veya uluslararası, bir AB Üye Devletinde, Programla ilişkili bir üçüncü ülkede veya Programla ilişkili olmayan bir üçüncü ülkede veya herhangi bir uluslararası kuruluşta yasal olarak kurulmuş herhangi bir kamu veya özel kuruluş.
Katılımcı kuruluşlar (destek veya ev sahibi rolü) son başvuru tarihinde ve projenin tüm süresi boyunca geçerli bir gönüllülük Kalite Etiketine sahip olmalıdır.
Ortaklık yapısı nedir?
En az 2 tanesi AB üyesi devletler ya da programla ilişkili üçüncü ülkelerden olmak üzere en az 3 uygun kurum kuruluş.
Proje süresi nedir ve bütçesi ne kadardır?
Proje süresi 12, 24 ve 36 ay olabilir.
Proje bütçesi en fazla 400.000 €’dur.
Son başvuru tarihi nedir?
Son başvuru tarihi için teklif çağrıları ve rehberler sayfasını inceleyiniz.
Proje örneklerine nereden ulaşılabilir?
*Daha detaylı ve güncel bilgi için ilgili yılın program rehberine bakınız.
Avrupa İnsani Yardım Gönüllülük Projeleri, insani yardım operasyonlarının devam ettiği üçüncü ülkelerde gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu eylem, 18-35 yaş arası gençlere, ihtiyaç sahibi insanların yaşam koşullarını iyileştirmeyi amaçlayan kısa veya uzun vadeli gönüllülük faaliyetleri yoluyla topluma katkıda bulunma fırsatı vermektedir. Gönüllülük, tam zamanlı ve ücret karşılığı olmayan bir faaliyettir. Projeler, insani yardım ilkeleri olan insanlık, tarafsızlık, yansızlık ve bağımsızlığın yanı sıra 'zarar vermeme' ilkesine de uygun olmalıdır.
Amacı nedir?
Kimler başvurabilir?
Kâr amacı güden veya gütmeyen, yerel, bölgesel, ulusal veya uluslararası, bir AB Üye Devletinde, Programla ilişkili bir üçüncü ülkede veya insani yardım faaliyetlerinin ve operasyonlarının gerçekleştiği ve devam eden uluslararası veya uluslararası olmayan silahlı çatışmaların olmadığı Programla ilişkili olmayan bir üçüncü ülkede yasal olarak kurulmuş herhangi bir kamu veya özel kuruluş veya herhangi bir uluslararası kuruluş.
Katılımcı kurum/kuruluşlar (destek ve ev sahibi rolü), son başvuru tarihinde ve projenin tüm süresi boyunca geçerli bir İnsani Yardım Gönüllülüğü Kalite Etiketine sahip olmalıdır. Uygun katılımcı kurum/kuruluşların bir konsorsiyum oluşturması beklenmektedir.
Uygun ülkeler hangileridir?
AB üyesi devletler, programla ilişkili üçüncü ülkeler.
Ortaklık yapısı nedir?
Bir konsorsiyum, geçerli bir gönüllülük Kalite Etiketine sahip en az üç uygun katılımcı kurum/kuruluştan oluşmalıdır. Farklı AB Üye Devletlerinden veya Programla ilişkili üçüncü ülkelerden en az iki destek kuruluşu ve projede yer alan destek kuruluşlarıyla hiçbir bağı olmayan ayrı bir tüzel kişilik olan en az bir ev sahibi kuruluş içermelidir.
Proje süresi nedir ve bütçesi ne kadardır?
Proje süresi 12, 24 ve 36 ay olabilir.
Proje bütçesi en fazla 650.000 €’dur.
Son başvuru tarihi nedir?
Son başvuru tarihi için teklif çağrıları ve rehberler sayfasını inceleyiniz.
Proje örneklerine nereden ulaşılabilir?
*Daha detaylı ve güncel bilgi için ilgili yılın program rehberine bakınız.
Erasmus+ Merkezi Projeleri nedir?
Erasmus+ Merkezi Projeleri, Avrupa Birliği tarafından desteklenen ve çeşitli alanlarda işbirliği ve değişim fırsatları sunan projelerdir. Eğitim, gençlik, spor, kültür, sivil toplum ve diğer birçok alanı kapsamaktadır. Merkezi projeler, merkezi Brüksel’de bulunan Avrupa Eğitim ve Kültür Yürütme Ajansı (European Education and Culture Executive Agency, EACEA) tarafından yürütülür ve bu projelerin başvuruları Yürütme Ajansı’na yapılır.
Merkezi Projelere nasıl başvurulur?
Başvuru süreci genellikle belirli bir çağrı döneminde açılır. Başvurular, Avrupa Komisyonu Program rehberlerine ve ilgili çağrıda belirtilen kurallara uygun olarak yapılmalıdır. Başvuru için elektronik başvuru platformları kullanılır.
2021-2027 dönemi için:
Erasmus+ ve Avrupa Dayanışma Projeleri Merkezi Proje çağrıları “EU Funding & Tenders Portal” da yayınlanmaktadır.
Ana Sayfada Erasmus+ ya da ESC seçilerek ilgili programın altındaki projelere erişilebilir.
Ya da doğrudan “EU Funding & Tenders Portal” da ilgi alanınızı en iyi şekilde tanımlayan farklı anahtar kelimeler girerek ana sayfadan aramanıza başlayabilir ve ardından diğer filtreler yardımıyla sonuçları özelleştirebilirsiniz.
Ortak bulabilmek için sitedeki “how to participate” bölümünden ülke, kurum kuruluş türü vb. seçilerek arama yapılabilir ve uygun görülen kurum/kuruluşlarla iletişime geçilebilir.
Merkezi Projelere dair detaylı bilgilere nasıl ulaşılır?
Başvuru yapılacak yıla ilişkin Program Rehberi ve Teklif Çağrısı incelenmelidir.
Erasmus+ Program Rehberi
ESC Program Rehberi
Program Rehberi yıl içinde ve her yıl güncellenebilmektedir. Bu sebeple güncel bilgiler için: Funding & Opportunities Portal ve Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı web sitesi incelenmelidir.
Funding & Tenders Opportunities Portal
Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı
Merkezi bir Projeye başvurmadan önce ne yapılmalı?
Bir proje çağrısına başvurmadan önce mutlaka ilgili çağrının ortaklık ve diğer uygunluk kriterleri okunmalıdır.
Başvuru yapabilmeniz için öncelikle tamamlamanız gereken 2 ön şart bulunmaktadır;
Ön şartları tamamladıktan sonra yine FTOP Anasayfasından başvuru yapmak istenilen projeye erişilip, projenin çağrı durumu 'açık' ise, mevcut olan başvuru sistemine bağlantısı ile EU Login hesabınızla giriş yaparak başvurunuzu gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.
Merkezi Projelere kimler başvurabilir?
Eğitim kurumları, gençlik kuruluşları, spor kurumları, kültür kuruluşları, sivil toplum kuruluşları, iş dünyası temsilcileri, ARGE merkezleri, kamu otoriteleri gibi tüzel kişiliğe haiz çeşitli kurum ve kuruluşlar başvurabilir. Katılımcı kuruluşlar proje özelinde değişkenlik gösterdiğinden ilgili proje detaylı incelenmelidir.
Proje süresi ne kadar olabilir?
Proje süresi, proje türüne ve hedeflere bağlı olarak değişiklik göstermektedir.
Proje bütçesi nasıl belirlenir?
Proje bütçesi, başvuru çağrısında belirtilen kılavuzlara göre hazırlanır. Bütçe, proje faaliyetlerini desteklemek için gerekli olan harcamaları içerir ve başvuru sahibi tarafından detaylı bir şekilde açıklanmalıdır.
Erasmus+ Merkezi Projeleri hangi alanlarda destek verir?
Eğitim ve öğretimde yenilikçiliği ve mükemmelliği geliştirmek, eğitim kurumlarının ekonomik ve sosyal yapısının güçlendirilmesi, yeniliklere, bölgesel kalkınmaya, sosyal kapsayıcılığa katkıda bulunmak, dijital becerileri desteklemek, döngüsel ve daha yeşil bir ekonomiye geçiş için yeşil becerileri desteklemek, beceri uyumsuzluklarını azaltmak, yeni beceriler sağlamak, inovasyon kapasitesini güçlendirmek, insani yardım sağlamak, gençlik ağları oluşturmak, uluslararası işbirliği ve politika diyaloğu geliştirmek, yapısal ve stratejik işbirliklerini teşvik etmek gibi birçok alanda farklı sektörlerden farklı öncelikleri olan projelere destek verilmektedir. Her çağrı döneminde proje özelinde belirlenen önceliklere odaklanan projeler teşvik edilmektedir.
Bu sorular ve cevaplar, genel bir bilgilendirme amaçlıdır ve her çağrı dönemi için özel kılavuzlara ve güncel bilgilere başvurmak önemlidir. Erasmus+ Merkezi Projeleri ile ilgili daha fazla ayrıntı için Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı veya Avrupa Eğitim ve Kültür Yürütme Ajansı resmi web sitesini ziyaret etmeniz önerilir.
Bazı çağrılarla ilgili rehberde bilgi bulamıyorum. Ne yapmalıyım?
Merkezi projelerde ilgili program rehberinde yer almadığı halde özel temalara ilişkin bazı başlıklarda, periyodik olmayan özel çağrılar açılabilmektedir. Bu tip çağrılar, Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı'nın internet sayfası ve sosyal medya adresleri ile Avrupa Komisyonu Yürütme Ajansı internet sayfasından ve EU Funding & Tenders Portal adresinden takip edilebilir.
Merkezi çağrılar her sene başvuru alır mı?
Bazı çağrılar için Avrupa Komisyonu'nun inisiyatifi doğrultusunda her yıl başvuru alınmayabilir.